Finals Week Pt.1

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This week is finals week, then it's finally our short three day holiday. I'm so scared for my finals! I need to do some serious studying if I wanna even come close to passing. I wonder how Bakugou is feeling about finals.

Me: hey Baku, are you ready for finals?

Spiky: Yeah they're gonna be so easy. Don't call me Baku.

Me: easy? I'm really nervous for finals, Baku D:

Spiky: Stop calling me that it sounds stupid. Why are you nervous?

Me: because I'm not good at studying... Baku ;P

Spiky: I'll help you study after school today if you want. ONLY if you stop calling me Baku.

Me: okay okay, I won't call you Baku but this is only because I'm desperate for some real studying!

Spiky: Alright. See you after school.

Me: see  ya!

Ah, I'm so glad he' helping me study! I always have such a hard time studying on my own. I get so distracted so easily. I'm sure he'll keep me in check.

You go through the rest of your last few classes thinking about how studying with Bakugou will go. Your mind can't decide between him being loud and mean like he usually is or if he'll be nice and calm like he sometimes is with you when it's just the two of you hanging out.

I guess I'll find out in an hour.

Soon enough, your last class is over and you check your phone for any messages from Bakugou.

Spiky (9m ago): You wanna grab something before heading to your dorm?

Me: yeah! Meet at the café?

Spiky: Sure

You quickly pack up your things and hurry to the school's café.

I wonder where he is. I'll just text him that I'm here already.

You start typing but he texts first.

Spiky: Oi, I'll be there in five, just wait for me at a table I'll find you.

Me: okay then pls hurry!

Well, I guess I'll sit here and wait for him. I'll play some games on my phone in the mean time.

You decide to switch between every single game you have on your phone but can't find one to stick to. Finally, you hear him calling for you.

"Hey, dumbass!" Oh come on I am not answering to that.

Suddenly, his hand slams down on the table and you flinch.

"I was calling you."

"Sorry, I don't remember my name being dumbass." Jeez what is with him and calling names?

"Alright alright fine..."

"Well...? What's my name?"

"Idiot." He looks at you with a dumb little smirk. Seriously, what is his problem?

"No! I'm not dumbass and I am not idiot!"

"Oh come on... brat?" Oh he's in for it now.

"I am not," you poke him with a bit of fire just to sting his arm a bit, enough to startle him, "a brat."

"Ow! You asshole!"

"Nope! That is also not my name!" Please just say my name this is getting old.

"Okay, for real this time..." He's not going to say it, is he? "Y/N." Oh... somehow that caught me off guard. I was expecting him to call me "dimwit" or something else mean. But him just saying my name and looking into my eyes... Agh! What am I thinking?!

"Thank you. Katsuki." It just felt right. "So, wanna go grab something? A drink or?"

[Bakugou's mind]

What makes them think they can just go around sayin' my first name like that? And that stupid "Baku" crap. What even is that? It's cute but- Wait no! What am I saying?! It's not cute! AAAGGH!

[back to your pov]

"Well?" He's just been standing there, not saying anything for like a whole minute.

"O-oh- yeah... Let's go get a drink before we head to your room."

"Okay, what are you gonna get?"

"I dunno, just an apple juice."

"Like the juice box?"


"Are you a kid?" Does he prefer juice boxes over regular bottles?

"What? No I just- [sigh] I just kind of prefer the juice box. I don't know why, but I like 'em better, okay? Now just drop it." Heh, cute.

You both get juice boxes and start walking towards your dorm. Before walking into your room, he stops you.

"Hm? What's up?" Why's he stopping me? Did he forget something? Is something wrong?

"Why don't we study in my room? You'll have less of your own distractions and also I'm the one helping you anyway."

"Your room?" But my games... "Okay fine."

"Are you not happy with that? You just wanna play games in your room but I'm not letting that happen, you need to study. Seriously." Oh he's right, I should definitely stop dropping my work for video games and sleeping!

"Okay, you're right. We'll study in your room!" This can only go well! As long as we're together I'll be happy!

"Good, grab whatever you need form your room," I'll sneak in my switch, "not your switch." Darn.

"I wasn't going to grab my switch!" He looks at you with a smirk. "Okay so maybe I thought about it but-"

"See! I knew you were thinking about it!"

"But! But I actually do need to grab my notebook and pencil! Oh and an eraser! Do you have pens? Should I bring my pens? I have a lot of pens! Do you wanna see?"

He covers your face with his hand, "stop getting distracted! Here, I'll go in with you to get your pens and papers or whatever you need so that it's quick and so that you don't get distracted!"

You both walk in and you grab a few pens, an eraser and your notebook. When you finish grabbing your things, you turn back to him standing in the doorway.

"Jeez, it's like you're my dad or something."

"Wh-? What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Just the way you're standing there, making sure I grab the things I need instead of the things I want. That's all."

"Whatever- are you done? Come on, we're wasting time here."

"Yep! I got everything I need!"

"And you're not sneaking your switch, right?"

"Nope! You just watching my every move, didn't you?!"

"Yeah I did, just double checking. Let's go."

You both walk next door to his room. Upon getting inside, he tells you to sit on the floor across from him at his little coffee table that he uses as his desk when he's not using his computer.

"So, what do you need the most help on?"

"Uh, pretty much everything," he rolls his eyes and sighs, "except for english."

"Alright, let's get started with the subject you have the lowest grade in then."

You take out your math notebook and he takes out his as well and starts helping you with your latest math unit and any other parts of the lesson you need help with.

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