First Sight pt.2

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[when you get into class, the teacher asks you to stand at the front of the class and introduce yourself] "H-hello, my name is y/n. I'm from out of town and am taking the hero course with all of you. I look forward to training and working well with all of you." I hope I'm not sat next to the little purple one, he looks at the girls weird... Let's hope I get sat around Bakugou!

The teacher flips through a couple pages on his clipboard. "You'll be sitting in front, on the right of Bakugou."

Oh sweet! I'm sitting near Bakugou! I hope we become friends, he's the only one I know the name of so far. Maybe I should wave at him? No, I might get in trouble for turning around and talking. What's the teacher's name anyway?

"I am your teacher, Shota Aizawa. Just address me as Aizawa."

I wonder what his quirk is.

"My quirk is erase. I can erase anyone's quirk with my eyes. That being said, if I catch any of you using your quirks in class, I will erase it until I feel like giving it back. Now, please write your names on the paper on your desk."

I finish writing my name on my... I think this is  a nametag? It looks like I finished pretty quickly, I'll draw in the mean time, until Mr. Aizawa gives us more instructions. [you proceed to draw stars and little sketches around your name, pronouns and quirk. 'Fire Manipulation']

[sigh] I'm bored, what is the teacher doing? Did he like...?

"MR. AIZAWA'S ASLEEP!" Someone yelled.

Mr. Aizawa suddenly jolts awake. "Yeah, I do that sometimes. Anyway-"

-class goes by pretty slow on the first day here, it's lunch time now-

I just picked up an apple juice and some chips, I'm not that hungry right now. Where should I sit? Maybe I should find Bakugou? [you pause to think, not realizing you actually stopped walking and have ben standing in place for a good few minutes now, lost in thought]

"Oi, are ya just gonna stand there lookin' dumb? Or are you gonna go find a place to sit?" [Bakugou is standing in front of you.]

Wait... Has he been standing there this whole time? How long have I been here? Oh no this is so embarrassing!

"I-I'm sorry! I'm in your way, aren't I? I'll get out of here, sorry." This is so embarrassing all I've been doing today is getting in his way. Wouldn't be surprised if he did start to hate me...

"Hey wait-!" He reaches for your hand but pulls away immediately. "I... Tch- nevermind."

He seems to be a really shy guy! It's kind of... cute... Wait, does he want me to sit with him? No no that's weird! Urgh stop thinking stupid thoughts!

"Were you going to say something? Go ahead."

"It's nothing, I was just gonna ask if you wanted to sit with me outside... And don't think it's because I'm lonely- I just assumed you had no one to sit with for lunch."

So he was going to ask to sit with me! "Sure! I'll sit with you!" He is way too cute to say no to!

"Good. Let's go now." He quickly turns away and mutters something to himself, I can't make out what he said though. I follow him outside anyway.

If I remember correctly, today is only half of a full day at school. After lunch we're all supposed to go to our homeroom teacher's classes to check in again and then we just go home unless we have any questions. I think, after lunch, I'll ask Bakugou if he wants to hang out a bit after we're let out.

"Is that all you're having for lunch? Some crappy bag of chips?"

"Yeah, I'm not really that hungry today."

"Are you sure?"


[you both sit in silence for an agonizing three minutes]

This is so awkward... I should say something

[in Bakugou's mind] 'This is getting awkward... I should say something'

At the same time, you both start, "hey do you wanna-"

"Y-you can go first!"

"No you!" He's blushing!

I decide to continue, "I was just going to ask if you wanted to hang out for a bit after school? It's okay if you don't want to!" You quietly say to yourself, not thinking he'd hear you, "I mean I'd totally understand if you never wanted to hear or see me ever again because I'm so annoying..."

He takes a small pause, then says, "yeah, I'll hang out after school. We can hang out in my dorm if you want. And..."

What's he going to say? Why is he... 'and'?

"And, you're not annoying. I'm... I'm sorry I made you think that way, I'm sorry I came off as mean today. I tend to do that a lot. I'm sorry."

He looks upset with himself. "Hey-! Y-you weren't being mean-"

"I literally called you a dumbass upon our first meeting."

"Okay but... I didn't take it as mean! I'm sorry I made you feel bad, about our interaction this morning. I'm just used to people getting annoyed with me really quickly... That's why I've never had many friends. Ah! What am I saying?! You don't wanna hear about my whole life story, sorry!"

"No wait-! You can go ahead and tell me anything you want. We can continue this conversation when we meet at my dorm. Here, this is my room number." He hands you a piece of paper. "And don't worry about how everyone feels about you, it'll only drag you down."

I nod, and we both walk back inside the building. We checked in with Aizawa and I go to the bathroom before going to his dorm. "I'll be at your dorm in ten, okay?"

"Alright, don't be an idiot on your way there, 'kay?"

[you nod and walk alone to the bathroom.]

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