A Drunken Tale

365 12 1

Joey POV

I can't believe I told a complete stranger that I love stacy. I need a drink. Good thing sawyer having a huge party tonight let there be some good alcohol at this gathering knowing sawyer, there will be.

32 minutes later...

I drive to sawyers party he was luckily having tonight and of course there's tons of vodka.Joey don't drink too much.

lots of drinking (A.K.A. three hours) later...

who cares what he thinks I love stacy and he can't do anything about it and she most likely likes me back. we've been best friend for years and we never have any awkwardness in our conversations and they always have odd silences. I check my watch it reads 10:37. I should really call a cab before i'm too drunk.I bid my farwells to sawyer and his current lady friend and call for the cab.

the cab gets there and takes me home and i sit on the couch with the half full bottle of smirnoff. I drink all of it in less than 40 minutes, then I decide to call someone who has been on my mind all night... 

Typical Stacy (a Stacy hinojosa fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora