The hang over

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Tomahawk's POV

I wake up to a pounding in my head. What the hell happened last night. I go to pull the blankets off my body when I realize two things: #1 That I'm naked and #2 That a sleeping Devon next to me is also naked.

Stacy enters the room looks at me like drunk me must of done something wrong.

S: Well I think you should probably go get cleaned up all you drunks did alot of danage.

T: okay, i'll go make coffee

S: No you're not going any where near the kitchen until you take a shower and clean the livingroom, oh and wake up Devon he needs to help you clean the living room

Stacy goes into the kitchen and I hear her start the coffee so i run upstairs to take a shower.

----------------------------------------------------Hey guys, sorry for the long wait but life gets in the way sometimes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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