The Game Pt.2

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Devon POV   


Damn he looks so good right now. Why can't we be together. Oh right the age difference. well, three more minutes then I can tell him I love him.

b; let the games begins

dul; me first

m; okay

dul; tomahawk, truth or dare

Tomahawk POV    

Stacy said dare I should do dare

T; Dare

Dul looks confused and glances to the side at Stacy who takes a second then looks like she realized something important then nods at Dul who in return rolls her eyes then looks at me and says

Dul; I dare you to strip to your underwear and walk the dogs down the street and back

YOLO I guess. I grab the leashes and drop my shirt and pants and walk down the street and when I'm almost back to the house I decide to drop my boxers because the dogs splashed mud on me. Devon and the guys covered their eyes so did Bee. Dul looks like she has never seen a naked dude walking around in Canada before. Stacy looks Gleeful.... was this part of the plan?

dev; put your clothing back on you idiot

know he's not saying idiot to be mean but I really wanted to say something back

T; why, are you not loving the view, Devon

Author's Note:

   Hey, My peoplez.... sorry for not updating for so long then just giving you a short update. But I tried and that's what matters....right. No... you're still are mad at me, okay I'll try and update sooner next time. Also before I leave I Just wanted to ask what is your favorite mythical animal-thingy.

                    Sincerely T.A.O.

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