BEE is an angery bubblebee

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Stacy POV

d; the boys told mitchell-

p; if he didn't start walkin' he was gonna be out of shape, and to be cautious of that

g; yep

b; okay

bee seemed much happier after her half hour nap

b; stacy can you help me in the kitchen with lunch, please

s; sure

 we walk down the hall and enter the kitchen and before I even have time to think i'm backed into the wall and two hands are at my neck

b; what did the really tell mitchell

she loosens her hands to let me speak. she is MAD.

s; they told him not to go to fast in your realationship

b; you told then about my dream

her hands tighten around my neck and I manage to weaze out

s; they over heard you because they were going to prank us

b; why didn't you tell me the second you knew they heard, I thought you and dul were my friends.

she said releasing me and falling to the floor crying

s; I was going to, you showed up moments after I found out they knew

b; why didn't you tell parker and graser to tell me the truth back there

because I knew that dul whould kick their butts for me

s; because I didn't want you to be upset

i wasn't lying, that was my second reason

b; come on, lets make lunch

s; or we can go find mitchell

b; wait, he actually left

s; yeah, the boys told him to be aware of how fast your relationship was moving and he must of got mad that they were saying you didn't trust him or something

b; It's not that I don't trust him its just I've always feared stuff like that happening, he was just the first real guy in them the rest were always guys that didn't exist


we didn't know they had entered the kitchen but there the three of them were standing in awe

s; how long were you standing there

g; we heard crying

s; you heard the crying but not be being thrown across the kitchen

bee rolled her eyes

b; I didn't throw her I shoved her, like four inches

g; wait, what why would you do to my girlfriend?

b; what did you do to my boyfr-, wait #gracy is official now

she said smiling

s; kind of

p; graser bud, I think you just got rejected

he said patting graser on the back

s; I didn't reject him, I said ''kind of'' because I begain dating him unaware the real reason mitchell left

b; yeah by the way

bee walked up and slaped them both, HARD, making them both scream in pain

b; I didn't even slap you that hard

p; well you slapped harder than dul

g; yeah, she slapped us and hurt her own hand

d; how can someone so nice, slap so hard

dul said laughing

b; be lucky I don't slap you too, bee Your the last one I haven't hurt today

g; when did you hurt stacy

he said like it hurt him to hear I got hurt

s; when she tried to strangle me

d; yeah, right

i move my hair to reveal her hand marks

b; damn that looks painful

d; you did it

g; yeah

p; stacy most likely did some thing bad like the rest of us

s; no I was paying for your stupidity

b; sorry you the one person that didn't diserve it

d; wait what did I do

b; didn't try to tell me the truth

d; about what

s; what the boys heard and what they told mitchell

graser and parker look at eachother then both said their sorry's and we all eat lunch then we went out to find mitchell

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