Three Cats,Pizza,Parker,and an Unknown Number

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Graser POV

I thought joey acted strange around stacy. It must be her eyes. Or maybe her angel like voice when she's excited. Most likely it's just because she's herself and don't care what you think. I love that about her.

I should really feed the cats.

I fill Max,Marley and shadows food and water bowls as I make a list on why I can't be with stacy.

1.She doesn't like me like that

2.I have three cats she has two dogs

3.She's so perfect but I'm full of Imperfections

4.I'm canadian she's american

5.She's so kind and I have a heart of metal

See Graser now you can stop daydreaming she would NEVER love you. Now go get your pizzia you loser.

I arrive at the pizzia place and see parker waiting outside.

p; Hey graser lets go get some pizzia

g; Okay

p; What's wrong

g; Nothing

We enter the joint and order,get our pizzia,pay, and sit at a table

p; I know you lying to me graser

g; Fine it's a girl

p; Grasey-poo has a girlfriend

g; No he loves a girl who doesn't love him back

p; Stacy does love you back

g; How did you kno-

p; Jeffery told me

g; par-

p; Fine I just noticed you act nicer to her, you always want to record with her, and you act like Struab when Bee's around when you near stacy

g; Struab likes Bee?

p; He acts like they're the only ones in the world when the record even if there are other people in the same  team speak

g; i want him to confirm before i confirm

Later that night on team speak with graser, parker and straub

p; I know you love Bee, struab

s; I don't know what the fuck you're talking about bro

p; It's okay graser loves stacy

g; i do not

s; you love stacy?

g; you love bee?

g+s; yes

p; now was that hard

g+s; who do you love

p; jeffery

g; no real person

p; I've never had a crush

s; really

p; yes

Grasers phone rings and he leaves room. It's an unknown number

g; yes

???; stay away from stacy

g; who is this

???; your worse nightmare if you don't stay away

g; i will, who are you

???; joey graceffa

g; how'd you get my number

j; I took it from stacysd phone when she wasn't looking

g;well good bye joey

j; this isn't the last you'll hear of me graser10

Phone call ends, and he goes back to team speak crying

s+p; what happend

p; who was that

g; no one i'm done for the night boys

p; can i crash on your couch, i don't want to go back to the hotel tonight

g; spare bedroom down the hall to the left

p; thanks

g; good night

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