Bee's Dream and other things

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Stacy POV

It's been a week and I still don't know were we stand. Friends? More than friends? Boyfriend, Girlfriend? Friends who love each other but don't know what to do about it? Straubee and Darker both are having there one week-anaverceries. Bee and Mitchael can't even go 20 minutes without kissing. And Moey is married now, somehow. They're all happy. Jorden (bayani) is inroducing his speical friend 2 days from now. And devon and tomahawk are coming up to canadia for tomahawk's 18th birthday in a week and staying here in the living room it was decited.

*****I don't know tomahawks birthday, but I know he's 16 but he needs to be 18 for story reasons*****

Tomahawk and Devon are just friends I think, I know Tomahawk had a crush on Devon forever ago, but I think he's over it now.They don't even record videos together often and devon is older than tomahawk. Tomahawk and Devon should be here the day before tomahawks b-day.

I walk into the kitchen, bee and dul stare at me wide eyed.

 Whats going on


stacy walks into the kitchen as i'm about to tell dul the dream I had about mitcheael and I.

*****The Dream***** 

Me and mitchael walking on the beach. I look down and see a HUGE baby bump. mitchael kisses my stomatch and says bye baby. Then he looks at me and says ''I don't want a comitment this big right now. Bye Bee, I'm leaving you.'' Then the childs life flashes before me, his birth,I rocking strauberry (the baby),his first day of school, him coming home crying in sixth grade because of his first break up,him sometime in high school asking who his dad was,him dying in a gang fight.

*****End of Dream*****

I tell the girl I need to tell them both something. We run up to our room and i tell them the dream. They looked very concerned.

Stacy POV

holy shit, poor bee.she starts bawling and dul stands there not knowing what to do. So I hug Bee and tell her mitchael would never do that and dul nodded.

s; It's okay, bee

b; but, but,

s; no buts mitchael would never do that

m; what would I never do?

d; not now

m; but bee's crying

he says begaining to cry too.

s; mitchael if you start crying i'll slap you so hard you'll look uglyer than..

d; than....

g; me?

s; your not ugly graser

bee stops crying and giggles, so does mitchael.Dul and Parker,who came out of nowwhere,starts laughing as me and graser turn red. Why does this always happen to me.ugh typical stacy.

g; stop laughing guys it's not funny

s; yeah, neither is his face, so don't make that exscuse

Graser now laughing and I sit there like a boss. None of us know were we are in life but, we're enjoying it, even the bumps is the road, unluckily we can't see the ditch thats blocking our way in the near future.

author's note: sorry for the late update, I was having some writers block but now I have some cool ideas in store for you peoplez, so tune in every day (almost) because thats when I update this story, bye people. 

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