Hot and Cold

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Stacy POV

straub; we'll call when he wakes up

bee; okay

bee's blushing but I cover for her and say

stacy; it's really hot out here in L.A. isn't it, bee

bee; yea

parker; well we'll call you two back on team speak because skype sucks

parker leaves the room

bee; dul is here too

stacy; so....yea.....bye..... mitchel, right

straub; yea

*from now on struab's being called mitchel because stacy's s is dialog and he was too now that the worlds are coming together he has to be mitchel also thats what bee calls him in her and his videos so it makes more sense for his friends to call him mitchel because thats his real name so...yea*

bee; bye mitchel

We end the call and dul exits the bathroom

d; when is the movie again

s; tonight at 7:00p.m.

b; why

d; just wondering, so was parker in the skype call

b; you didn't need to go to the restroom, did you

d; no i didn't want to talk to parker right now because i don't look presentable

s; if he loves you he won't care

d; yea i guess

s; they're calling back when graser wakes up so we can talk all together

d; shit, who knows how long i have to get ready then

b; your look fine. sit your ass down and play some minecraft with us duljuice

s; someone got some sass today

b; yea i did have some nutella earlier

what does that have to do with sass?

We play minecraft for an hour and a half until the boys call back and parker has a different shirt than before when we called.

d; you look good parker

they both blush

p; you too, dul

there both tomatos at this point

mitchel or m; so all us boy were thinking

g; that since us boys were in canaida with me and you girls were in califonia with stacy, we boys would want us all to hang out together so...can you three come out to canadia so we can all visit and see eachother in person

s; but I don't have the money

d; me neither

b; same

m; we'll pay

s; but my dogs

g; they can come too

s; when can we come

g; we can get three tickets by thursday plus two dog plane ticket things

4 days from today we'll be in canadia

d; i'm in

b; me too

s; how long cam we stay

g; as long as you want

d; so say a week, maybe


g; i would like that

s; yea, me and my 5 best friends in canadia for a month

graser makes slightly hurt face in order to make a joke

g; i thought i was you only best friend

Graser POV

she buys the joke. shit that was close

Stacy POV

d; its 6;30 were gonna miss the movie

s; the theater is right next door, ironic enough

g; bye girls

s+b+d; bye boys

m; we'll talk more about canadia later then


d; bye, parker?

we leave the call and bee and I stand there smiling at dul like idoits

d; what

b; he loves you

d; or he was drunk

s; yea drunk on you

b; and high on winter time

s; you had to quote a song didn't you bee

b; yes because he is in canadia and its cold there in winter

oh no were gonna die in canada its so cold

d; lets get to the movie we have ten minutes

We went to the movie an we we scared. But not as scared when we got home and realized we were all staying under the same roof as all of our crushes. Why didn't we think of that earlier? Oh well at least if they turned us down it would be in person.

Author's Note: Some wording and other errors have been changed from earlier chapters because of the fact that I saw some plot holes and grammer errors in my writing that were awkward to read because i felt hypocritacle 'cause I personaly dislike plot holes and grammer mistakes in stories so they earlier chapters have been altered a little bit sorry for the inconvenece people reading the story before I fixed it.

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