old dog lady

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Joey POV

I get to stacys place to tell her I love her. I knock on the door and some other girls anwser.

g1: yes

j; is stacy here?

g2; n-no, she's out buying milk. why?

j; oh, nothing I just wanted to talk to her about...

what do I tell them


who is this guy? what does he need to tell stacy? he's been thinking about what to say for a while now? does he...no.... does he like stacy too?

d; what do you want

boy; can I wait for stacy inside I need to ask her something

he's blushing. but stacy loves graser and graser loves stacy. he can't get in the way.

d; sorry pretty boy but we can't let you in because stacy isn't here, isn't that right, bee.

bee; yea so le-le-leave

boy: sorry to bother you then bee and..

D; dul, and you are

boy; joey, joey graceffa

b; bye joey we'll tell stacy you stopped by

and as if fate wanted some realty T.V. stacy showed up with a gallon of milk and three movie tickets to see The Boy Next Door.

Stacy POV

why is he here?

s; hi joe

j; hey stace can we talk a moment

s; okay

we stand there a few seconds

j; alone

s; why

j; please stacy-anya

s; dul, bee please take page and molly on a walk while I talk to joseph

b; I call page

d; fine lets just hurry and leave, the dogs heard "the word" now they're all jumpy.

they grab the dogs and go

b; bye stacy

d; bye mr.graceffa

then they leave and we enter the apartment

j; so..

s; what is it joey

j; i...i....

he stares at our feet

s; joey you can tell me anything

j; I love you, stacy hinojosa

but i don't love you, i love graser. but a wanted woman is a wanted woman, right? maybe if I pretend to like joey then graser will show either thats he's upset or fine with it. then i could break up with joey and be with graser if the girls are right or ruin my friendship with joey for no reason and live a lonly life as an old dog lady if they're wrong. oh well i do love dogs.

s; i like you too joey

j; so you'll be my girlfriend

s; yes, but lets not tell the veiwers or anyone else until we know that my friends are okay with it. because the guys are like brothers to me and they must approve of you because there overprotective.

its not a lie they are protective over me like brothers because im the noob of the cube even though i'm not on the S.M.P. and i don't play U.H.C i'm still part of the group and we protect eachother.

s; so don't tell meghan or david or ca-

j; it's okay i understand i have friends who are like family and i have a sister who i'm a little protective over i wont tell no one till i get the thumbs up

i feel bad for my plan that will, for sure, ruin our friendship. but true love is worth it and i can fell that dul and bee were right about graser, i mean if joey graceffa, the most wanted man on youtube, loves me anything is possible, right.I hope so.

s; you should leave the girls will be back any moment now with the dogs and dul didn't seem to like you very much.

j; okay, babe

i hate pet names like that. they're so lame, plain and idiotic

he leaves and dul and bee arrive minutes later.

d; what happend

s; well...he said he loved me, i decided that if graser likes me he'll act different around me if he thinks i have a boyfriend,so i lied and told joey i liked him too, he asked to be my boyfriend and i said yes, but not to tell anyone until i see if the boys approve because they're like brothers to me and bla bla bla lets tell the boys and see if graser approves.

d; you could of just asked graser if he fucking liked you

she said laughing

s; but it could ruin our friendship if he doesn't

b; but you will ruin your friendship with joey when this is over.

s; graser is worth the damage

d; you really love him don't you?

s; with all my heart

b; must be alot because you have a big heart

oh if only i had a heart of couage instead of a softie heart of kindness but kindness is better i guess.

Well time to see if a shattered a friendship for no reason or for true love.

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