Want You To Be Mine Forever

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and then....







Operator: ****** is up next 

After hearing the operator high voice, Kuroo rather awkwardly pulled away from me and so did I...

" This us.." I explained, avoiding making any eye contact to Kuroo due to embarrassment , I wasn't the only... since he was also doing the same

"Ok, then"

We went out of the bus when it stopped at our destination, when we came out we just awkwardly stood there completely flushed red by each other sides, it was clear we were trying to digest what just happened..

"So would kindly lead us the way young Tobio~" Kuroo sarcastically said trying to wash away the awkwardness between us "Oh sure, come with me.." I replied as I took Tetsuro's hand to bring him where we were meaning to go...


                                                a few moments later



We were walking for a while until we reached this place and it was actually leading us into the dark woods, I stopped in my tracks and Tobio looked at me confused. 

"Where are you taking us? You do realize that we are heading into a dark forest, right?"

"Yes, I know I'm not stupid! ..So what's the problem? are you afraid~" Kageyama sneered at me, of course I didn't want to look like a little wimp I wanted to look like a real man so I then said

"Me?! Afraid?! Ha! Definitely not!"

"*Chuckles* alright if you're not then.. hold onto my hand and I'll lead you the way" Kageyama led out his hand towards me, I took it and found myself heading inside the woods..



Kageyama and I was walking for a few minuets inside the rather- not -so- nice- forest, but while I was walking I noticed something really weird about Kageyama, he walking along completely fine as if he was wandering inside a park, while me? I was over here secretly having a panic attack... I was holding his hand as if my life depended on it, I got this odd feeling that he had been into this place a couple times before... I mean it has to be, anyone that steps in this forest for the first time will completely freak out

Suddenly we arrived at this place where Kageyama wanted us to hang out...

Suddenly we arrived at this place where Kageyama wanted us to hang out

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Kageyama let go of my hand and sat down along patting his hand on the ground next him as sign to tell me to sit down, I went down and sat next to him then stared at the sky above us there were thousands of stars in the sky and they were twinkling in the sky like diamonds...

" How come I've never known this place..?" I said in awe still staring at the sky fascinated 

" Oh well when I was a kid me, my mum and my brothers will often come here, we really liked to come this place... especially my mother, but...you know, when she died we stopped coming here because this place reminded us a lot about her and we knew that will only make it harder for us move on... so we stopped coming here.."

" Oh... sorry again about your loss." I muttered

" It's okay... My mom once told me that one day I should bring someone that's special to me here.. so that I can make precious memories here with them also..."

As I heard Kageyama said those words I stared at him and he stared back "So, I hope one day that I become someone special to you too, Tetsuro..." All the odd feelings in my chest that I will often feel to Kageyama other than anyone else started flutteringin my chest like crazy ....

For the first time I looked and observed Kageyama in a different way than before, I started at the tone of his skin...

 His skin was pale as snow and looked fragile but soft at the same time... 

Then his lips they had a shade of a cherry color I bet if I kissed him, there would be sweet taste of strawberry...

And those Atlantic blue, it felt like as if I was staring into that calming soul of the moon...

But then I realized something, I was... in fact falling in love with Kageyama before I even realized it and this time I'm not going to push back my feelings for him..

I want to hold him..

Kiss him..

Make a mess out him..

and make him be mine forever..

( To be continued, on next part...) 

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