Do You Really Love Me..?

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" Is that true? Is Kageyama really in love with me...?"

After hearing that... Kuroo rushed out of their making his way to Kageyama's house, he wanted to talk it with him in person, but when he arrived he didn't see the setter any where... he asked his family perhaps if they knew where he was but they didn't know either...

The captain proceeded to take his phone out of his pockets and tried calling him for about 5 times but the blueberry boy didn't pick up. Kuroo tried again for the 6th time and Tobio finally picked it up... 

                                                  ( On the phone)

" What do you want?

" Hey Kageyama... um.. I have a question that I wanted to ask you."

"Okay then. I'm listening."

" Is it really true you have feelings for me...?"

" Why do you call me and ask me such a question out of nowhere? by the way I don't know what you're talking about.."

" Kageyama... I know when you're lying to me or being honest with me, so don't try lying to me because it wont work"


" Okay fine it's true, I really do I have feelings for you. The first time I first saw you I fell in love with you even though I didn't know your name, but falling for you was a mistake... because you only had eyes for Kenma, right? "

" Yes I did. But not anymore the person I like is you not Kenma.."

" Stop lying. I saw what you wrote in that diary of yours, you're just sitting around until somehow Hinata and Kenma breaks up  AND DON'T SAY YOU 'LIKE' ME BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AS YOUR LOVER!!" 

" I will okay! And please let me explain, Ever since Kenma started dating Hinata I started falling for you before I even realized, I-I LIKE YOU"

" Oh.. now I get it"

" You do?"

" So when you finally realized there were a lower chance for you to be with Kenma, you came running after me?! I'm sorry but I'm not a second choice! hmph! You said you like me, but didn't say you LOVE me..."


" Look. I get it. you're saying you like me back because you feel pity for me because you don't want to hurt my feelings.. but you don't have to worry anymore, because there's a high chance you wont see me again."

" Wait Kageyama what do you mean-"

                                                      (End of call)

Before Kuroo could finish his words, the other male ended the call; leaving the captain with thousands of question sweeping around in his head..


What does he mean I don't have to worry anymore because I wont see him again? Is he going to move to another city so that's why he said such a thing? If it is... I-

I don't want him to go yet...

I love him so much... that it aches...

Please Tobio don't leave me I-I love you so much that I wish I had the balls to said so..

But if he choses to leave I guess I would have no choice but to... to respect that even though it would turn my whole life into hell, because all I care right now is Kageyama and his happiness, I've already left a swelling wound in his heart by my stupid actions, just like Chibi-chan said I'm really dense am I? how come I've never realized his feelings, Like this one time when we went to watch the stars and he said  "So, I hope one day that I become someone special to you too, Tetsuro..." looking back now his feelings towards me was kind obvious and all I ever did was to push him away, but all I want to do right now is find my Tobio and hopefully try to explain to him, and even so say goodbye to him for the last time..

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