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I yawned as I face planted onto the bed in our motel room. I could've fallen asleep right then and there even though I was sleeping in the car for most of the day. I was drained, and I didn't know why.

"Rosie, move." Jocelyn demanded as she grabbed onto my ankles and yanked me off the bed.

"Ow." I complained as I hit the ground with a thud. I slowly stood up again only to see her laying exactly how I was. "I thought vampires didn't sleep." I rolled my eyes before grabbing my suitcase and rolling it to the other bed.

"We don't," Luna answered before jumping on top of Jocelyn, making her wheeze. "but we love to lay for hours and have an existential crisis about our immortality. Isn't that right, Joc?" She teased.

"We are literally going to outlive the earth, how does that not freak you out?" Jocelyn questioned.

"Trust me, Joc. You would be murdered long before then." Lilith commented as she peaked into our room.

"She has a point." Luna agreed, "She's been trying to kill you since she met you."

"Haha, so funny." Jocelyn responded sarcastically.

I amusedly watched the friends bicker as I sat on the second bed in the room. I had woken up only a few days ago, so I was still wasn't super close with any of them, but they've all been nice to me. Well, Lilith's been a bit of a dick, but it seems like she acts that way to everyone.

I wasn't sure where we were going and why we were going there, but what I did know is that we just entered Texas after being on the road for at least 4 days. We could've gotten here a whole day earlier, but Jocelyn and Jamal got lost in Colorado for about 4 hours, and by then, they were begging to just stop driving for the rest of the day so they could have fun. That did not amuse Auntie Beth, but she eventually caved, surprisingly. She also said something about meeting up with the rest of the clan somewhere, but didn't say much else about it.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" I asked when Luna and Jocelyn got up from the bed.

"Midnight snack, you know the drill." Jocelyn said nonchalantly before exiting the room.

I sighed and sat down on my bed, knowing that I was going to be alone for a few hours at the least. I pulled my practically empty suit case toward me and unzipped one of the smaller compartments on the front.

When I woke up, I couldn't remember a single thing. I've tried to remember at least one thing from my past, but it's all been blurry. I knew I recognized Auntie Beth when I saw her, but I didn't know why until she told me we were related.

I dug my hand into the front pocket of the bag until I felt the thing I was looking for. I firmly grabbed the chain and pulled it out so I could examine it. As I held my hand in the air, a chain with a ring attached dangled in front of me. I found it in my pocket when I woke up, but I didn't know where I got it from.

I found it odd how I was on this supposed road trip with my family, and I was the only one without a packed suitcase. I never showed anyone the ring, because it was the only thing that I knew was mine, and I didn't want them to take it from me.

I held the ring in my hand and examined the date engraved on the inside. R.A. 9-20-01. I didn't know what the letters or the numbers meant, but I felt this connection to it that told me it was mine.

Since I didn't have a suitcase, we've slowly been buying clothes and toiletries for me as we traveled. I didn't really know the types of clothing I liked, so it ended up being Jocelyn and Luna picking things out and me saying yes or no. I said no to most things they picked out though; it was obvious we had different styles.

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