Lungs on Fire

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As I walked back to the lab with a fresh blood bag, I heard a distant scream and the sound of things crashing to the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows as I quickened my pace to the lab, wondering what could've happened. I quickly opened the door to my office expecting to see someone injured, but all I saw were my notebooks scattered on the ground and the window left wide open.

I ran to the window and looked down only to see a mangled bush three stories below. As soon as I realized they were gone, my head whipped in the direction of the dagger, expecting it to be missing, but surprisingly, it sat in its dedicated spot unbothered. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was safe, but all it did was confuse me more. I continued to search for any missing items, but everything seemed to be in its place, and if it wasn't, it was on the ground.

I sighed as I stood in the corner of the room and gave one final glance over everything. As I examined, a metallic smell began to infiltrate my nose. I took a deeper breath, allowing me to follow it to the source. I walked over to the window and saw a tiny drop of blood sitting on the white windowsill. I hesitantly stuck my finger in it before putting it up to my lips. As soon as the thick liquid touched my tongue, my eyes widened, but before I could make my next move, the door blew open.

"Where is it?" Elizabeth demanded, eyes blazing red, darting throughout the room. They quickly found their target before she sped to the other side of the office in the blink of an eye, clutching the dagger in her hands. "She touched it, I could feel it..." she mumbled before her eyes abruptly locked onto me. "Where is she?!" she yelled, making me flinch.

"I— I don't—" I stuttered.

"Whatever, I'll find her myself." She muttered angrily as she tightly held the dagger in both hands. Her eyes shifted from an intense red to a pitch black as stared at it intensely, sending a shiver down my spine. Eventually, the blade began to turn orange, quickly getting brighter by the second as if it were heating up. Moments later, a scream of agony could be heard across the property, causing a wicked smile to grow on her face. "Is the new medication ready?" she asked as she quickly turned to the exit of the office.

"Yes... I just need to run a few more—" I started.

"Good, get some ready, we're going to need a lot of it." she commanded as she walked out of the room.


People stared at me as I rolled on the ground in agony, mumbling to each other about if they should do something. The burning began to simmer down after a while, but I was still in immobilizing pain. 

"Get out of my way!" I heard a familiar voice yell as she pushed her way through the crowd. "Rosie, Rosie." She repeated as she grabbed my face in her hands, "What's wrong?" she asked as her eyes fell to where my hands were clutching.

"E—Elizabeth..." I sputtered out in pain.

Luna's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she helped put pressure on my bleeding wound. "What about Elizabeth?"

"She's com—" I started but I was cut off as another scream of agony ripped through me due to a second wave of pain.

Immediately understanding what I was trying to say, she picked me up from the floor and sped me to the opposite end of the building where the rest of the group was hanging out.

"Woah, what happened?" Miles said, alarmed as he stood up from the couch.

Luna quickly placed me down on the newly vacant couch and lifted up my shirt to see what was bleeding. As soon as the shirt was lifted, everyone jumped back in disgust.

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