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"There's a capsule type thing on the hilt, but I have no clue how to open it." Raven commented as she examined my grandmother's mirror once more.

"Have you tried using a screwdriver?" Oliver, Raymond's boyfriend, asked. I didn't know much about Oliver since he stayed at the coven most of the time, but he was obviously the sarcastic and witty one of the relationship

Raven stared at him blankly, "Yes."

"I found another 'open' spell, but below it says 'Beware, if cast incorrectly, it will have the opposite effect.'" he read, making everyone groan.

"What's the point of the spell then?" I complained.

"The spell masters loved fucking around with younger casters." Raven sighed as she set the mirror down on the table. Spell caster/caster was one of the many gender neutral terms for witches and wizards. Terms like sorcerer, magus, and warlock each have different levels of use depending on the coven; for example, Oliver and Raymond's coven has a Head Warlock because it's a male coven, and Raven has a Head Priestess because it's a female coven. Spell master is a commonly used term among all covens, and is basically anyone who creates spells, but generally it is used to refer to the ancient sorcerers, magus', priestess', and warlocks who created the most common and famous spells.

It's been a week since we first got here, and the whole thing honestly felt like a fever dream. It didn't feel real to be on a beach with werewolves and have a bonfire every night. Though everything felt very real when I was sweating my ass off in their intense training sessions. I still wasn't used to being here. It was odd not seeing my sister or parents everyday. It made me wonder what they were doing at that moment. Is my mom crying that I've gone missing? Is my father angry? Does my sister feel guilty? Have the police given up looking for me? How many rumors are going around school about me? Were they at least interesting? There were too many questions, and I didn't have any of the answers.

As we were about to give up on the mirror, someone came bursting through the door.

"Penelope wants all of you in the meeting room; one of our scouts found the location of the clan!" They announced, making all of us shoot out of our seats.

My mind was bombarded with even more questions as I raced through the endless halls. Is Riley okay? How far is the clan? Is she a prisoner? Is she even still alive? I shook the thoughts out of my head before they got too dark.

Moments later, we burst through the doors to the planning room. There was a table with a large map on top of it in the middle of the room with a bunch of chairs surrounding it. The walls were covered with various pieces of research connected with red string and the windows were covered in case a spy snuck their way onto the pack property. Usually, there are chairs that surround the table, but they have been pushed to the side of the room as people stood there instead.

"Finally, you're here, come, come." Penelope beckoned to us.

We hurried to join the others at the table. It only consisted of Penelope, Antonio, Daniella, and our pack.

"Where's Riley?" I blurted as I stood over the map of mexico.

"According to the scouts, they saw vampire movement in this area here." Tori explained as she pointed to a red star they put in the south-western part of the map. "And more activity here, closer to the city." She pointed, "So our estimate is right around here." She said as she marked a big red circle between the two points in the middle of what seemed to be a dense forest.

"I just sent our best scouts out to investigate that area, so we should hear back from them by tomorrow morning." Antonio spoke up.

"Which means we need to prepare. That means making a plan, learning about the enemy, and getting in the right mentality to fight. Everyone thinks fighting a battle isn't that bad until they see the brutality first hand." Tori spoke up.

TEYSAN: The Rise of Rosie (PAUSED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ