The White Lotus

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We arrived in Mexico at 8:30 am and as soon as we parked on the runway, I was up from my seat and out the door. I sniffed for any familiar scents and attempted to mind-link to Riley, but there was no use. There was no response and everything smelled normal. The only thing that stood out to me was how goddamn hot it was.

"I'm already sweating!" I heard Michael exclaim behind me as he took his long sleeve shirt off. "Why didn't anyone tell me to pack warm weather clothes??"

"You basically packed the entire pack-house, we assumed you had some." Adrian rolled her eyes as she walked down the stairs in her tank top, shorts, flip-flops, and sunglasses.

"Don't worry, Babe, I packed you some." Sophia reassured as she struggled to carry all of the suitcases Michael brought down the stairs.

"And this is why I love you." He sighed in relief as he dug through one of the suitcases for the clothes.

"Michael, I don't want to see you get changed on the runway." Bea nagged.

"Then look away!!" he yelled as he pulled his shorts up.

The last person off the plane was Blake with her generic t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. She only had 10 minutes to pack, so she only brought one bag of clothes with her.

"Come on guys, we gotta get in the car so we can meet the White Lotus Pack." I said impatiently.

"Boooo, I thought we were going to the beach." Michael complained.

"Michael, their pack-house is on the beach." Bea explained.


The drive to the pack-house felt longer than the flight down here, but I think it was just because I was so antsy to start looking. This is the closest we've been to Riley since we lost her and it was driving me crazy.

"Blood Moon Pack, welcome to our humble abode!" A large man loudly greeted us as we pulled into their driveway.

"Antonio, it's been too long." Penelope greeted with a smile before he pulled her into an unexpected hug.

"Far too long." He agreed as he let go of her.

She then turned to us as we finished stumbling out of the car. "Everyone, this is Antonio, the alpha of the White Lotus Pack. Antonio, this is Victoria, Blake, Beatrice, Michael, Sophia, Raven, Raymond, Oliver, and Adrian. The rest of us will be coming in a week or so with our alpha, Markus." She introduced.

"It's wonderful to meet you all." He smiled brightly. "Veronica is training a few of the pups right now, so I will show you all to your rooms." He informed.

We all stared in awe as we got our tour around the pack-house. Sure our pack-house was the second largest in the states, but ours was nothing compared to this beast. They easily doubled the amount of land we had, but surprisingly, it was all being put to use. But, I guess it helps when you live in the middle of nowhere, and it explains why it took so long to get here in the first place.

Once the tour was over, everyone headed to the beach with Michael to cool down from the heat. I stayed behind because I was too antsy to relax, and for a while Blake stayed with me too, but Raven practically dragged her to the beach a few moments later.

I tried investigating where Riley could be, but a map was no use when I didn't have a clue where she was and I wasn't allowed to leave the grounds without supervision, so I just ended up sitting at the top of the watchtower to look over the land. The watchtower was built into a large tree, which was good for two things, one so it didn't stand out to outsiders, and two I had plenty of shade. The original plan was to sit and wait for any suspicious things to show up, but it quickly became boring as I realized how in the middle of nowhere we were.

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