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I sat at the bus stop as I waited for Victoria to pick me up. I'd been putting off getting my stitches out for the past two or so days because I didn't know how to get to the pack house, and I refused to call Adrian to take me. So here I am, waiting for my competition to pick me up.

I had to ask Blair for Victoria's number though, which was followed by a barrage of interrogation questions, but I eventually got it. I didn't even expect her to pick up the phone, let alone agree to take me; she was saying something about needing to put our differences aside, but I zoned out after that.

Moments later, an expensive convertible pulled in front of the bus stop, honking to get my attention. In the front seat sat Victoria Chase, and as much to my dismay, looking stunning as usual.

"Davis." She greeted while taking off her sunglasses.

"Chase." I responded while getting into the front seat.

"Any reason why I'm picking you up at a bus stop?" she questioned as she put the car into drive.

"I don't need you fucking my sister before we leave." I stated bluntly.

She rolled her eyes, "Who says I ever fucked your sister?" she said annoyed.

"Are you telling me my sister didn't meet your standards?" I raised an eyebrow, knowing of her reputation in high school.

She bit the inside of her cheek, undoubtedly regretting her decision in picking me up, "So I take it Blair's home for Thanksgiving." she assumed as she started driving.

The wind began to pick up, causing my hair to move with it, "What, are you gonna join us?" I egged her on.

"Meeting your parents once was enough for me." She murmured.

I raised my eyebrows, "When the hell did you meet my parents?"

"Prom." she said simply as she turned onto a different street.

Her answer only confused me further, "Blair took some douche named Ryan to prom, not you."

She rolled her eyes, "I never said I was her date. I was picking her up for the before party." She explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't remember that,"

"Well, I distinctly remember hearing you freak out upstairs about what to wear on your first date with Jake." She chuckled.

My heart stopped as my face grew red with embarrassment, "Shut up, I hate you." I snapped hiding my face from her.

"I know." she sighed contently.

The rest of the drive there was painfully silent as I refused to look at her while she slowly went through the radio stations. As we rode, I wondered if she regretted picking me up, because I knew I regretted asking.

I knew that the pack house wasn't too close to my house, but someone could've warned me that it was over an hour drive. If I had known that before hand, I would've just asked Adrian. Sure we weren't on speaking terms, but anything would be better than this terrible silence.

"You know, you could at least have the decency to pretend that you don't hate being in here with me," Victoria broke the silence after 40 minutes of driving.

My head snapped to her, "Can werewolves read minds?" I asked scared.

I didn't think my question was very funny, but she found it hilarious apparently, "I don't need to be able to read your mind to know that you'd rather walk than be in this car for another second." she laughed.

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