Chapter 8

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Slowly, Ranboo started to worry more often. It'd been a week since the run in with Dream. He also noticed Harbor a lot. They were always eyeballing Y/N worriedly. Which, in Ranboo's eyes- meant something terrible was probably going to happen. Right now Ranboo and Y/N were playing war. Y/N's luck was shit, they were doing terrible to be totally honest. He placed an ace over Y/N's jack. They glared at him " The fuck? You're doing this to be a dick I bet." they scoffed. Ranboo chuckled nervously and watched them glare as he took the cards all together.

He leaned into the hammock and looked down at Y/N who was about to pass out they were so tired. Until a series of knocks filled both of their ears; Ranboo visibly stiffened at the sound. He hopped out of the hammock quickly. Making his way to the front door- he opened the door to be greeted with Harbor. Their eyes met Ranboo's and they sighed heavily. "Harbor, what are you-?" Harbor pushed past him and looked around. "Hmm." they hummed quietly. " Harbor, why are you in my house?" He said bluntly, trying to get the smaller person's attention. They looked over at Ranboo impatiently. "Stay away from Y/N." was all they said. "Why? What are you going to do if I don't listen to you?" Ranboo pushed, wanting answers. Harbor stared at him "You'll never forget it." "Are you in love with them or something?" He glared at the smaller person, who looked up at him tiredly. "Look guy, i'm trying to save you from something that could potentially hurt you. But if you want so badly to feel pain, then fuck man go for it." they said in an annoyed tone.  "What's your problem? " Ranboo snorted, he wanted to understand this warning, but he just couldn't grasp the problem. Harbor stared, that's all.

Ranboo woke up, looking over at Y/N. His eyes softening at there tired expression. They looked up at him and smiled happily. His stomach fluttered and he chuckled. Their eyes were latched for awhile, he knew how he felt about them. But that didn't make the feeling any easier to digest. "You're so cute Ranboo." he stiffened in his hammock when they said that. He shuffled uneasily. "You're.... cuter..." he mumbled. They definitely heard it but made no comment on it.

𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now