Chapter 11/alternate

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Dream and Techno at each other's side, aggroing Ranboo and Y/n. Techno's crossbow ready and aimed to fire. Why? Why is he doing this? What did Ranboo do to deserve this? Let alone what did Y/n do to deserve this? He looked over to see Y/n staring in fear, not knowing what to do. Techno shot, Ranboo kicked Y/n to the side, while also attempting to dodge the first firework. He grabbed them as fast as he could and ran, stretching his legs out to their full length- not wasting any time. He ran from the flower field, into the town nearby.

When they entered the town all of the villagers and townspeople became aware that there was a chase. Ranboo made his way through crowds of people, holding on desperately to Y/n. He could hear the sound of ironclad boots hitting the brick road behind him, knowing just who was following him. His breathing was becoming labored, how come he always had to run? Why couldn't he just fight back? Was it because he was scared? Or was it because he knew he'd lose? This is too much pressure for him. Too much. He looked back at Y/n, suddenly remembering why it was worth it.

He turned to get ready to fight, pivoting his feet, he had no weapons, only his foolish bravery and affection for Y/n. He looked to his side, seeing Y/n step up too his side. Standing their ground. He felt confident that they'd lose whatever fight this was going to be but he was glad he was with them. Dream pulled out his hatchet, getting ready to slam it into Ranboo's head. 

"DREAM WAIT!" Everyone stopped and looked to the side, George and Sapnap. Oh now Ranboo was scared, he and Y/n were cornered. But it didn't look like either of them wanted to hurt anyone, they looked disgusted at Dream. "Why? Why did we even start this? What was the purpo-" 

"He's got a disc-"

"WHO GIVES A SHIT IF HE'S GOT A STUPID DISC, DREAM! KNOW ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR HATRED FOR TOMMY, HE HAS A PERSONAL LIFE OUTSIDE OF HAVING A DISC- CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE THAT?!" Sapnap gestured towards Y/n, looking pissed. Ranboo completely forgot he had a disc- but he was more curious at how Sapnap was acting. He never knew that he was so empathetic for others, same with George. He watched as they stepped between Dream and himself. Feeling relieved looking to his side, Y/n looked relieved too. Surely Dream wouldn't attack his friends just to get to hi-

A loud slam hit the air Dream had bashed the side of Sapnap's head with the blunt end of his hatchet. Sapnap his the ground, groaning in pain. George stepped back "Run you two!" he yelped, fear written on his face. Ranboo took a step back seeing Y/n take a step forward, small tin foil ball of gunpowder in hand. "No! Y/n don't!" They didn't listen, they baseball pitched the ball at Dream, not hesitating to bring him harm. The ball hit his chest exploding in that area, causing a large tear in his green hoodie. He looked over to them about to take a step forward, but when Techno didn't move, he froze. He looked to his side, staring at Techno. "It's over Dream, i'm not putting them through this, they didn't do anything to me." He turned, walking away.

Dream was by himself, cornered, he knew there was no getting past this, he bailed. Running off, probably even more pissed. Ranboo breathed shakily, finally he might be safe with Y/n for a bit. Speaking of Y/n, he looked to them. They looked so confident, they whipped around, grabbing him and pulling him into a hug. Their face buried in his chest, he very quickly became flustered he lightly wrapped his arms around them, seeming nervous. George was helping Sapnap up, watching the other two. "You two are so cute." george chuckled, causing Ranboo's face to heat up, and Y/n to pull away and avert their eyes. "Are you two dating?" Sapnap managed to huff out curiously. "Yes they are." Harbor had rounded the corner taking a look at the scene. "Wh-Hey!!! No wait, wait a minute!" Y/n said, seeming flustered. "Shut up, I've decided." Harbor said with a chuckle, "Woah the fuck happened to you?" They said, staring at Sapnap and the massive gash on the side of his head. "Oh not much, friend just beat the shit out of me with his axe." "Hatchet." George corrected.  Sapnap audibly sighed and watched Harbor chuckle a bit. Ranboo was still trying to gain his composure when he heard Harbor and Y/n discussing something. "I can go with you guys back to your house and help you patch up. I'm also a decent enough cook." Y/n turned to Ranboo. "What'd you think, Ranboo?" He nodded promptly and headed off.

When they got to the house Harbor immediately made themself at home. Walking into the kitchen and burrowing through every cabinet possible, getting pissed off at the higher cabinets and climbing on every counter. Managing to find the right ingredients for whatever they were making. Ranboo left the kitchen to check on Y/n, who was sitting on the couch waiting for someone to say something. They Looked up at Ranboo, he sat beside them. He looked down at them and they smiled. It was silent for a bit, aside from the quiet rambling of Harbor in the kitchen talking to themself about what they're making. Y/n leaned on Ranboo, seeming tired. "Hey, Ranboo." "uh Yeah?" "What do you uhm.... Think about what Harbor said earlier?"

"Oh uh. I dont know... I kind, I ugh." he couldn't manage to say what was on his mind, he wanted to say he wished, he wanted to say he loved them but he was too nervous.

"If you think. If you think im going to.. to, reject you, you're wrong.." They said, seeming nervous as well.

"HEY WAIT!!! BEFORE YOU ASK EACH OTHER OUT I WANNA WaTCH LET ME SEE" Harbor rushed into the room, falling midway, crawling in front of the couch and watching intently. "You know you just ruined the moment right?" Y/n scoffed. "It's my book I do what I want." "What?" "Nothing dont worry about it." 

"Can we just say we're dating? I mean. Save some breath?" Y/n said in an embarrassed tone.

"I mean y-" 

"You guys have obviously just been pinning over each other this whole time so I dont see why no-"

"Can you not interrupt me???" Ranboo said with a sigh, causing a loud heavy laugh to escape Harbor. Y/n giggled a bit seeming to enjoy the interaction. Until a smell of smoke hit the air. "Aw shit god damnit." Harbor hopped up and raced into the kitchen. "I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND BURNT (FAV/FOOD)!" "YOU MADE (FAV/FOOD)????" "HELL YEAH IM A CHEF COME GET SOME."

Y/n didn't hesitate to hop off the couch and run into the kitchen, Harbor held up a bowl/plate of (fav/food) for Y/n who snatched it and scarfed it down like they hadn't eating in weeks, while Ranboo walked in slowly to take a look at what Harbor had made. "Oh hey this isn't bad?" Ranboo said after taking a bite. Harbor spun the spoon/spatula/knife in their hand proudly. Chuckling at how surprised both people were at their cooking skills. "Yeah you're a mess of a person I wouldn't expect something like this from you." "Watch out next time I might put rat poison in your food." "I dont think that'd kill me." "You're literally a rat." "Die."

Hey bestie what is making a story again im so tired lmao


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