Chapter Seventeen: The First Task

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Posted: December 19th, 2020
Major editing: August 3rd, 2021


Natalia got up on Sunday morning and dressed in her robes. She's been not looking too good. Some people had asked her if she is alright but she would just wave them off.
As Natalia walked into the Great Hall alone, she saw Harry drag Hermione out. They don't even notice her standing there.
She felt her heart drop down to her toes and tried not to cry. Natalia walked to her spot at the Gryffindor table and sat down carefully, trying not to attract attention to herself.
It failed.
"Hey! Natalia, what's up?"

Jae had just gotten back from a early detention. He got caught running around in the halls by Professor McGonagall. About half the Great Hall looked over to see Jae's entrance. He likes the attention and he likes causing trouble.
If Natalia had a Death Note, she would write Jae's name in it right now.

She's so pissed off it's not funny. But Jae didn't notice.
"Heyyy. Im sorry i couldn't walk with you to breakfast," said Jae, sitting down in front of her.
"It's alright," said Natalia trying to not rip his head off.
  "Anyways, I'm starving!" Jae got a huge stack of fluffy pancakes and some bacon.

Natalia tried to get away from people but Jae stuck to her like glue. He doesn't get that she wants to be alone.
  "-and then I said-"
"-Jae. Could I please be alone," Natalia interrupted Jae.
Jae blinked a few times, trying to process what she said.
"Uh, yeah, I guess. But did I do anything wrong?" said Jae with concern.
"No. My head hurts. I'm just going up to my room," lied Natalia.
Her head did hurt but she was just going to go lay on her bed in her dormitory.
"Oh... if your head hurts, I've got some medicine," said Jae pulling out a small bag of white pills. He looks up to see Natalia giving him a look.
"They work, I tired them on some students," said Jae opening the bag.
  "It's fine, Jae. I have some stuff in my room. Thank you, though," said Natalia.
She feels a little guilty that she's leaving Jae but she really just wants to be alone.

But she does it anyways.

Natalia said the password and entered the common room to see some seventh-years doing their homework and a group of second-years playing with someone's hamster they must've smuggled in.
  "Hey, Natalia. Do you want to play with Bernard?" asked a second year.
'Bernard must be the hamster's name,' thought Natalia.
"No thanks. I've got some studying to do upstairs. Maybe another time?" she lied.
"Ok! We'll tell you when we can get Bernard out again," said the second-year.
Natalia faked a smile and walked up to her room. As Natalia opened the door, Hooty came flying to her.
  "Hi, Hooty," said Natalia, closing the door behind her.
Natalia kicked off her shoes and shrugged off her robe, launching herself into her bed.

She laid like this for the rest of the day.

The next morning was the First Task.
Natalia honestly forgot and was reminded by hearing her roommates getting ready.
After breakfast, Natalia and her Hufflepuff friend, Vaughn Vega went down to the greenhouses behind Hermione and Harry.
"Hermione, I'll see you in the greenhouses," Harry said, coming to his decision as he watched Cedric leaving the Hall. "Go on, I'll catch you up."
"Harry, you'll be late, the bell's about to ring -"
"I'll catch you up, okay?"
Vaughn and Natalia see Harry run up.
"Guess he has to take a shit," said Vaughn as they continued to the greenhouse.

Natalia and Jae were eating lunch in the Great Hall when Professor McGonagall came running to Harry.
"Potter, the champions have to come down onto the grounds now....You have to get ready for your first task."
"Okay," said Harry, standing up, his fork falling onto his plate with a clatter.
"Good luck, Harry," Hermione whispered. "You'll be fine!"
"Yeah," said Harry in a voice that was most unlike his own.
He heft the Great Hall with Professor McGonagall.

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