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      The next day was well, a day of said....... disaster of sorts. Wuxian had managed to escape from Lan Zhan shortly after their incident and raced back home in attempts to make it before his aunt and uncle noticed his absence but of course he wasn't that lucky. He had barely put a foot in through his bedroom window when a flashlight shone on his face.

       "And where have you been young man?" Uncle Jiang asked in a low tone, very well not impressed by Wuxian's burglar like behaviour. The old man had noticed his disappearance from the reception party and had his suspicions where he had been but he wanted to hear from him first.

   " Uncle Jiang, what..... what are you doing up soo late in the night? You know it's not good for your health," Wuxian began, hoping his uncle would take the bait and leave him alone. He put his best innocent look forward but his Uncle wasn't a stupid man. Whoooo! Tonight had been long, accompanied with much troubles of the heart and mind.

    " Late! It's 5 in the morning Wei Wuxian!!! Where have you been? What were you doing? Do you know how worried I was?! I was about to call the police to report you missing and you show up as if this is not serious! Not to mention the chaos that would've been if your aunt knew you had not been home this whole time!!! Have you lost it boy!!? You are lucky she went straight to bed after the party! What do you have to say for yourself  because I need a very good explanation unless you want to be confined to this house indefinitely." Uncle Jiang whisper-yelled sternly, facing the young boy before him.


" I'm sorry Uncle! I didn't mean to be out soo late! Please don't punish me or tell Auntie. It was for a good cause  I promise! Please Uncle! I won't ever do this again. Please!" Wuxian pleaded as he knelt down. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to catch a few hours of rest and a semblance of peace. The last thing he needed was an added form of confinement to this place. Not at this time. He and Lan Zhan needed to figure some things out. A gulf of silence ensued between them as they held a standoff. He knew he was in the wrong but he hoped that his uncle would be merciful and forget this all.

   "Get up from there Wuxian! Alright, I'll pardon you today, but let it be the last time this happens and I mean it. One more slip up and I won't hesitate. Understood?"

"Yes sir. Thank you Uncle. I promise you won't regret it."

"Don't thank me yet Wuxian. Now get some sleep. We are all worn out from that party." Uncle Jiang said moving out of the way and turned to go. Wuxian released the breath he had been holding and slid down to his soft mattress. At least someone was vouching for him tonight.

"And this good cause, does it have anything to do with the Lan's son?" Uncle Jiang asked last minute before closing the door. Wuxian sat up not sure how to respond but his silence was enough.

   "Mhhhh. Well, I hope whatever was soo urgent has been solved now.  I can see that you two are very good friends Wuxian and I am happy that you have a close companion now but I hope you aren't getting too involved with him. Be careful with your boundaries alright? Remember who both of you are. Goodnight." his uncle finished not knowing the impact of his words. 'Involved? Boundaries? I'm sorry uncle but it's a little too late for that' he thought as he remembered what happened earlier.

    Damn it! How would things ever going to be normal around them now? Everything was up in the air. He subconsciously touched his lips, rubbing them as he tried to relive that feeling of Lan Zhan on him. It had been a short moment but it was ingrained in his mind and system that even if he wanted to forget, he couldn't. Fuck! Now he was in deep. He didn't know what to do or how to feel. What did this mean? Did Lan Zhan see him in that manner? Did he feel what Wuxian was feeling or was that a lapse in reason? Was it a mere fluke? A way to escape his momentary pain and anger? Was he just taking advantage or did he mean it? Argggghhh! Wuxian was tormented with all these questions and more and the only person who had the answers was on the other side of town.

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