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       There was a static frenzy noise going over Wuxian's head as he sought to get away. Things had gone from 0 to 100 unpredictably fast within the last 24hrs. The news had taken the Internet by storm, his name trending number 1 on all search engines. Lan Zhan wasn't around having gone to God knows where; he hadn't given him specifics but at the current moment, he needed him.

      Things blew up exponentially as pictures, videos, short clips, tweets and alleged victims had come up. Three unknown men had come forward claiming they were the ones in the video, reporting how Wuxian had strung them along. Apparently, Wuxian was just using Lan Zhan because they were childhood friends but behind closed doors, he had several partners across the city, whom he gaslighted and manipulated into having relationships with them. They all had private messages from him as well as leaked information about their supposed secret dates and sleepovers came out. They claimed it had all started when Wuxian received backlash from the public for being with Lan Zhan thus in turn had gone out with different guys of all forms as revenge.

    One had even quoted, "He deceives you with empty promises about how it was all just for show (his engagement) and that after Lan Zhan sold him his shares, he would take over and then make them go public. He knows how to put you on a pedestal then betray you days after. He uses gifts and his charms to hide his true nature and the fact that he had done it severally showed what kind of man he was."  that had come from one of the alleged victims who by the way was barely a legal minor; a 19 year old highschooler. It had gotten that bad. Ofcourse, there were major inconsistencies in their stories, plot, theme, the whole fucking thing!! It was a blatant lie but the public was eating it up like cake, ready to have their say in it.

       The backlash was real as articles, publications, responding news and reactions came out to put their two cents in. In just one night, Wuxian's name was in ruins. He was suddenly a menace to society. The hate comments were overpowering as he rushed to Lan Zhan's office. He was already hyperventilating, his head beginning to ache and body flashing between hot and cold. He had to know Lan Zhan's response to all of this and his situation. Hopefully he was in.

     The car barely had time to stop before Wuxian jumped out, racing to the entrance as he called Lan Zhan's phone incessantly. He didn't care if he was in a meeting with the fucking Queen of England herself, he had to talk to him. Unfortunately, he wasn't even able to reach the doors when a flood of journalists and reporters gathered around him, holding him hostage right there at the steps. There were almost 30 of them, all squishing and pressing from each side, their flash cameras going off 100 clicks per minute. The security guards came to assist the drowning man that was encircled like prey but just got caught up. It was a circus and Wuxian was the attracting piece.

       "Are the allegations true Mr Wei, did you really cheat on your fiance Mr Lan......"

    "Multiple evidence have come up against you, what is you take on that....."

   "What was the reason for your infidelity Mr Wei? Has you relationship with Mr Lan deteriorated in any way...."

    "Is it true that you coerced that young 19 year old boy with the promise that you would pay for his college tuition in exchange for sex...."

    "No..... No it isn't, I didn't do anything - I didn't...... I don't know... I....," Wuxian attempted to speak up but couldn't raise his voice as the posting crowd thuderously swallowed him and he stumped, wrestling with them and the guards. Shouts and yells was all that could be heard, the chaos growing into total mayhem.

  "Reports state that you and Mr Lan have a contractual relationship agreement meaning your engagement is just for show. Can you confirm it please....."

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