My Life

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A tornado flew around my room before you came.Excuse the mess it made it usually doesn't rain. In southern California much like Arizona my eyes don't shed tears but boy they boiling.

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring through my speaker. I got up and walked across my spacious room and into my closet.My walk in closet is so huge its like half the size of my room and my room is huge.

For my outfit I grabbed a gold crop top that has black shear in the back so you could see my bra straps. I also grabbedd my white skinny jeans with the black strip going down the side, my white blazer, and my gold red bottoms.

After I got my clothes I got in the shower and stayed in there for a good 25 minutes then I lotioned up with my bath and body works pink chiffon lotion then sprayed the perfume on me. I put on my clothes than got galaxy s5, purse, bookbag and car keys.

I walked downstairs expecting breakfast that my mom cooked but she wasn't there and there was a note on the counter

Baby we had to go out of town for a couple of months you know the rules we will call you to check up on you and we left money in the duffel bag under the counter.

Love, Mom and Dad.

Why do they always do this to me they leave for months and then come back for a couple of weeks and then they leave again.

I jumped in my purple and black 2015 Benz and drove to McDonalds to get me a steak, cheese, and egg breakfast sandwich.

I arrived at school and it was 8:15 on the dot so I know I'm already late. So since I was late I walked to my locker putting my things in. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around, when I did I was met with the most beautiful pair of olive green eyes.

" Um excuse me hi my name is Corren and I'm new here could you please show me to my first period class". I sat there studying Corren he was tall about 6'3 dark skinned with nice long dreads that he had in a pulled back ponytail. He was also built I could see his muscles through his purple underarmor. "Umm hello" he said knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry of course I'll walk you to your first class how rude of me my name is Daeliya but you can calle Dae Dae can I see your schedule"? He handed me his schedule and I noticed that we had 5 out of 8 periods together and the classes he didn't have with me they were right next to my class.

"Well the good thing is you might as well get used to seeing me around because you have 5 periods with me and the other 3 are like a couple doors down from mine so I could walk you to all of your classes" I told him.

"Good that way I can get to know you better. Who knows we can be best friends". "Really" I said all child like and started jumping up and down "I've always wanted a boy best friend". "Well consider you stuck with me".


Skips rest of school day.

Correns POV

"Man I met a thick Lil shawty today man". I said to my Nigga Dorian we bestfriends , he been my nigga since the diper days and I would literally die for this nigga because I know that he will do the same for me.We were sitting in the trap counting money and smoking blunts. This nigga practicly live here. He got food, clothes and he bring hoes here i just be smdh.

"For real what she look like".he said sitting up straight and taking another hit of the blunt.

"Man don't laugh ate but she's a tall one". I said because Im usually not onto tall girls but that's because I've never met her before.

"Man she tall she gotta atleast be 6'0 she lightskin and she got some long as a hair. Its red, black, and blonde. She bad and the best thing is she is thicker than a snicker but not fat. Her thighs are so big and that ass and them titties of man let me stop before I wake up lil Corey". I said in one breath man I feel like a Lil girl Iont even know shorty like that and I'm already getting to want to know her more and more on some other than friend shit.

"Damn bruh i haven't heard you talk about no hoe like this since that Skank 2 faced ass bitch Tylisa" Dorian said putting the blunt roach out in the ashtray.

"Aye my nigga chill out with that hoe word because she is anything but a hoe, and man fuck that bitch when i see her im going to rip her fucking heart out literally like she mentaly did mine". I said pissed that he even brought up that bitches name. Lets just say shes done some thing that i wouldnt ever be able to forgive her for. My mother has always taught me to respect women and treat them kindly, but with the exception with females like Tylisa she understands when i say shit like " I hate that skunk ass Bitch with a passion and im gonna rip her fuckin braids from under her tracks when i dee her".

"Damn bruh you just been sitting here for about 5 minutes zomed out and shit... You high as fuck take yo ass home its gettin lare anyways and i got that hoe Shelly coming over". Dorian said like hes accomplishing something man the whole dam schhol done had Shelly no Team School now thats some nasty shit and i would never stick my dick in that nasty ass bitch.

But with that being said i hopped up out of my seat and dapped Dorian up and said i will holla at him tomorrow. When i got in my car i looked at the time and it said 9:06 so i decided to head to the house and take a shower and shit. When i got home i took my shower then was laying in bed thinking about Daeliya shes so perfect. From her height to her body features. God was definitely thinking about me when he created her. I decided to text her.


Her-Hey wassup wyd

Me:Nun laying in bed thinking about the most beautiful girl i met today

Her-Oh thats nice

I started to think she was starting to get jelous because girls always say that shit when they get jelous.

Me:You do know im talking about you right?

Her:Oh i thought you were talking bout someone else

Me:Nah but its gettin late so im gonna get to the point would you like to spend the day with me tomorrow we will have fun

Her-Friends dont go on dates

Me:Who said anything about a date friends hang out with eachother all the time wym( what you mean).

Her- Ok txt me in the morning when your ready to hang out

Me:Ok goodnight LiLi

Her-I told you to stopncalling me that lol but goodnight CoCo

Me:lol that name is so lame pick something cooler lol

Her:When you say goodnight your not supposed to text back lol bye

Me: Lol i do what i want

She never responded back after that so i took that as a message to go to sleep. I drifted off thinking about the one and only....,.Tylisa Reynolds

A/NHeyeveryonefirstoffIwouldliketosaythanksforreadingmybook. PleasebepatientwithmeIamasophomoreinhighschool and IdoattendschooleverydaysoifIdon'tupdatepleaserealisethatIhavealifeoutsideofthisandI'mnotgettingpaid. ButanywayspleasecommentonmybookAMDletmeknowwhatyouguysthinksofar.


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