Chapter 7

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Correns P.O.V.

It's been a week since I've tried to contact Dae'Liya and honestly i'm done trying to get us back on speaking terms. I've tried to talk to her in school but she would just brush me off and go the other way, or put her headphones in and act like she don't hear me trying to talk to her.

She acting real petty like a little ass kid or something. I admit I was wrong for talking to her the way I did but I've been saying I was sorry for weeks now and she still hasn't forgave me. I heard that she was going to be at The Ace Of Spades tonight so I decided that I was going to come too and try to talk to her one more time than i'm going to say fuck her.

I really love Liya because she is more than a pretty face to me, she is a bestfriend and a shoulder to lean on. I hope that I don't have a baby on the way because I really want to see if Dae'Liya can build a relationship and start fresh.

Tasha is just a pain in the ass. Every since we had that argument she has been sleeping in the guest room, which is really Liya's room. She eventually asked me why was there so much feminine products and when I told her who's they were she got pissed off all over again. I said fuck it because I don't love her. It's like she's almost trying to force me to love her and that is something that I cannot do.

Right now I am out getting the baby some thing from the mall. Lately I've been doing everything that I can to stay out of thr house because Tasha is there.

I got the baby a lot of outfits in green and yellow because we don't know the gender yet and both colors go well on a boy or a girl.

After I finished shopping for the baby I decided to go to the food court so that I could get a bite to eat befor I took all of the bags home. Dae'Liya you know I love you girl. When I heard that name I immeditly turned around and faced the direction that I heard her name come form.

When I did I seen Liya all booed up with some unknown ass nigga. They were laughing and having a good time. It broke my heart a little to see her with another man doing the things that we used to do. I guess she felt me staring at her because in an instant her neck snapped in my direction.

When she seen me she rolled her eyes and turned the other way and that broke my heart even more. I love Liya and I want things to go back how they used to be when she would call me over her house at 2:00 in the morning because it was thunderstorming and she'd be scared.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I seen them starting to hug. I got up and left the mall. I don't think I would have kept my sanity if I would have seen them kiss. Corren... Corren wait I heard I turned around expecting to get a hug or something from Liya but she just tossed me the braclet I bought her and told me that she didn't want it anymore, and thats when my heart completely broke. I've never seen her take it off since I bought it for her so I know that I really cut her deep with the things that I said to her that night.

I gave her a slight head nod and continued to my car. Im still going to the club tonight to try and make ammends with her. I started my car and drove home. When I got home I sat in the car for about 5 minutes just looking at the braclet that I gave her. Finally I put the braclet in my pocket and went in the house.

Where were you? Tasha asked out of no where. I jumped a little. The mall Irepliedcamly and proceeded up the stairs. I guess she followed me because when I got to my room I dropped the bags on the floor, got naked, and went in the bathroom and a couple seconds later I heard my room door close and then the bathroom door opened.

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