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"Ashton Irwin is watching you." Sam, the single person in this wretched town that likes me, whispers as she sits down across from me.

"Sam, it's seven in the morning." I look at her, noticing that she's wearing her usual natural makeup. "I doubt he's watching me."

"Look for yourself."

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh as I turn to look at who she's talking about.

Ashton Irwin. We talked once when his locker was next to mine, but other than that one occasion when he asked for a pencil I haven't even bothered to look his way.

Ashton Irwin was always the type of person that knows everything about everyone. Even before they know it about themselves. That's why people were scared of him.

As soon as we make eye contact, he looks away and goes back to his conversation with the other three guys he's always with.

They're not popular, but they're definitely higher up on the social food chain than I am.

Sam had her chance to become popular last summer. She would constantly get offers to hang out with the group that reigns supreme, but she declined and came over to my house unannounced.

Sam was my best friend, shockingly. She always had my back when I needed someone to be there for me. She had always been there to defend me.

Ashton's friend group consists of him (of course), his best mate Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, and Michael Clifford.

Luke Hemmings was more laid back, more easy-going than the others. He was always at the right place at the right time. The girls loved him, I've never understood why. Michael Clifford was a bit different. He was quiet, but not a confident and mysterious quiet. He was quiet because he hated confrontation, which is ironic given our current circumstances. The only one I never knew much about was Calum Hood.

But god would I had loved to get inside his head.

Sam has explained that before I moved here, she was a part of the friend group since she was dating Calum's sister. They eventually broke up, causing her to leave the friend group.

In turn, she met me. I was a clueless eleven year old, just moving here from Salem Massachusetts.

North Dakota is far different from Salem, but every once in a while I'll see something that reminds me of home.

"See, I told you." Sam smirks as I turn back around, glaring at her. "He's definitely got a crush."

"Or he's got a staring problem." I stand up, closing my book and shoving my crystals into my pocket. "Besides, no one here likes me."

"Except for me." She sits up from her slouched position, rising to her feet. "I'm your best friend."


Before I can respond, someone slams into my back causing me to nearly fall over. I catch myself and turn around to see none other than Michael Clifford.

If only I had known that interaction was only the beginning to a tragic story.

"Wow, way to make an entrance." Sam steps towards him and I slip my arm in front of her.

She always makes it her duty to 'protect' me as if I'm a child that's never stepped foot into the real world.

"Sorry, I was trying to get to my friends and I didn't see you guys. Or girls- sorry, again." He awkwardly apologizes. He's always had noticeable anxiety, and right now I doubt Sam's threatening stance is helping anything.

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