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"I love you. Remember that, please."

The voice begins ringing in my ears, the sound nearly deafening me. "Who are you?!" My cries are useless, as are my hits against the door. "Please let me out of here! I'm just a kid!"

I rip my eyes open, realizing that it was all a dream. Usually when I have dreams like that, they come true.

It did come true, but I'll cover that later. Right now, I need you to understand the last few days leading up to the final moments that I was with Calum Hood. Please, just trust my side of the story.

Something about that terrifies me.

Mom hasn't talked to me in a few days. She left a note on the fridge last night to tell me that she would be gone for three days, giving me space and going on a hunt for new sage.

The last time I saw her, she ended up arguing with me about my biological dad. She never came back from that trip.

I've been lying in bed, wondering what I could do to pass the time that doesn't involve talking to anyone.

I haven't been at school, and the bruise is almost faded. I'm nearly asleep, when someone knocks on the door.

I climb out of bed, wondering who it could possibly be considering how late it is. I get down stairs and open the door, I realize that I'm not wearing the right attire for company.

I open the door, recognizing the person to be Calum. "Can I come in?"

I nod, stepping to the side so he can enter the house. He steps inside, looking around. I close the door, looking down. "My mom isn't here."

"Oh, what about your dad?"

"Absent as well."

He nods, looking at me as if he's trying to form his next words carefully. I let out a soft sigh, folding my arms over my chest. "What brings you here?"

"Mali told me what Ashton did to your neck, are you alright?"

I spin around and walk into the kitchen, rolling my eyes. "That doesn't answer my question."

"I saw the way you looked at me that night that I showed up on your porch. I didn't want to do that to you again, so I came here instead of going out." He explains, causing me to look at him. The look on my face must make him realize I don't believe him, so he puts his hands up. "Swear it."

He didn't love me, but it really makes me wonder what he did feel for me when I think about it. He always went out of his way to make sure I was okay. Even when I pushed him away, he always came back.

The last few days, we hadn't talked as much as I had liked. Not until that phone call.

I turn back around, looking down at the mug I've set on the counter. "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore." I answer his previous question about my neck as he pulls out a chair, sitting down in it. I put some water into the coffee maker before setting for it to boil, not necessarily wanting coffee as much as tea right now. "Why did you come here, rather than going to someone else's house?"

I never drank that water.

"Everyone else is out, and Mali would rather me be with someone she trusts." He shrugs, looking down at the floor. I feel honoured that she trusts me, but still confused.

"What about your girlfriend?" I ask, turning around to face him as I lean against the counter. "Y'know, the one you were with at school."

"Speaking of school, why haven't you been?" He changes the subject, causing me to fold my arms over my chest again. He notices my irritation and sighs. "She's not my girlfriend, she's just a girl I was hooking up with and she had a guy she wanted to make jealous."

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