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"So, he just called you?" I ask Sam as I follow her through the crowded hallway and she nods without saying anything. "Did he say anything else?"

It really is funny how many times I asked her that about so many people. And it's funny how she always lied. Sam was a lying bitch, and I had to make her realize that there was competition.

"Nothing except that he wanted your number. Did he call you?" She turns around to look at me as we reach her locker and I nod slowly, gaining her full attention. "Oh? What did he say?"

I can't tell her about the actual conversation, but I'm shit at lying. "I can't remember honestly, I was out with my parents and got distracted. I think it was something about us being partners."

She presses her lips together and nods, shuffling around in her locker when someone hits me from behind. My books that are in my arms fall to the ground, the pages from my journal becoming scattered across the floor.

"Oh I am so sorry, I'm such a clumsy person. Here, let me help you." The hand reaches down and I recognize it almost immediately. I snap my eyes up to see Calum, anger coursing through my veins.

I should've told him after I did it. I knew it was wrong, but I somehow never let the guilt get the best of me and cause me to tell anyone. Instead, I kept it inside until I nearly died. No pun intended.

"I've got it." I mumble, rising to my full height after gathering all of the papers by myself. He rises to his full height as well, towering over me.

"You're welcome." He grins before looking at Sam and holding out his hand. "I'm Calum, nice to meet you."

Sam looks between us before hesitantly placing her hand into his. "Samantha..."

"That name fits you really well." He tilts his head, before looking at me. "Don't you think so, Adeline?"

I stare at the scene unfolding in front of me as if I'm watching the school burn down unexpectedly. Before I get the chance to respond, the bell rings.

"I've got to get to class." I turn around, only for him to follow me.

"I can walk you!" He smiles, catching up to me.

"I'm fine."

"It's no problem, really."

"I said, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? It's right-"

"What's your damage, Hood?" I stop walking causing him to stop as well. He stares at me in disbelief before clearing his throat.

They never told me what the damage to the body was. They never told anyone what the damage to the body was.

"I just thought that-"

"Stop thinking; about me, about my friends, just stop! You didn't pay any interest in being my partner so I don't know why you are now!" I snap at him, not believing I've even possessed enough courage to really talk to him. "Just leave me alone unless it's necessary for class."

He takes a step back and stares at me, no emotion on his face. He slightly nods, which I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't pay so close attention to him, before walking away.

I huff and walk into my first class, where Calum sits next to me, only to realize that he never showed up. Maybe he skipped, he could be trouble for all I know.

I make my way through the hall and find my next class, keeping my head low until I entered the room. I look around, attempting to find where Sam has decided to sit today when I notice a certain blonde boy right beside her.

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