Chapter Two; Page Eight

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'The Fuck,' Adjusting his glasses so he could see better, Wolf scowled at him silently- and in response, his uncle just grinned and laughed it off.

'Pop's probably getting a kick out of this, huh.'

Since his Uncle kept an eye on his every move, Wolf had to force himself to try and responsibly handle the situation -as opposed to his original plan of completely obliterating all of them and officially scaring them off his back forever.

You see, If he were still in high school he would've told his Uncle to fuck off. But unlike his attitude towards his juniors, he actually respected the man. If not for good ol' Uncle Kyung, Wolf would've been on the streets digging into the trash for money.

Given that Wolf respected himself to some degree, he didn't even want to imagine his life without his Uncle's help. Plus, he wasn't as big of an asshole like he was before because of him.

So, Wolf successfully handled the situation calmly and in a respectful manner. Somehow.

"Ah, no."

Wolf let out a (forced) hearty laugh, patting his Junior on the back and yanking the files away from their reaching hands.

"It's my responsibility, plus, you should really be preparing for the meeting this afternoon."

It was almost like he said some kind of magical secret incantation that immediately dispersed the crowd; Like magic, his Juniors fawned over his maturity and finally left him alone to scatter to their separate desks.

With the common room finally empty, Wolf was able to relax. He patted down the dust on his files and maneuvered himself to re-open them. After that fiasco, Wolf knew that his day was only getting started, as per usual.

The walk back to his desk was nothing short of adventurous. For a big building, the office area sure was cramped (the company decided to spend more on the break areas and the meeting rooms, as opposed to the actual working space).

And since his destination was located at the far back of the office, he had to scramble around, dodging the rest of his coworkers who bid him a jolly 'good morning!'- that in which he'd respond with a bitterly fake smile.

As he made his way back, he accidentally bumped into at least ten people with open mugs of hot, spill-able Coffee who yelped in surprise. And maybe four people with stacks of trip-able papers blocking the footway.

'Fucking idiots, leaving all their shit on the ground.' Wolf thought, Scowling.

When he finally reached the safety of his cubicle, he let out an audible sigh and plopped straight onto his desk-chair. Sometimes, he just felt like ditching the place with no regards to any leftover work or any team projects he had to lead.

But unfortunately he had to stay and finish whatever he's got going on. He leaned back into his desk chair, to imagine how relaxed he would've been if he'd just stayed in bed all day;

'Yes, relaxation. Can't wait to go back home and relax in my bed-' Although, instead of thinking of himself in his own bed, Wolf imagined a sleeping Gray Yeon cuddling up under his stark-white covers, repeating the events from that morning.

As soon as he thought about Gray's half-naked body, he choked on his saliva and immediately sat up in disbelief. Eyes wide, and eyebrows furrowed.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck, what in the fuck was that!?" He murmured, careful to make sure that no one else heard him. "What the-"

"-Heck" Wolf heard a familiar voice cut him off from behind, a deep authoritative voice that made him flinch and immediately stand up from his chair. Behind him, was his grinning uncle.

Despite their height difference -his uncle being the shorter between the two of them- he was somehow able to make it seem as if he was looming over Wolf in his pristine-pressed suit, the air around them becoming tense.

"Watch your language around the Office Mr. Keum, you'll never know when your boss will come around and catch you." His Uncle stated tauntingly, clapping Wolf on the back with a throaty chuckle.

Weak Hero: Satellite (Graywolf: Wolf Keum x Gray Yeon)Where stories live. Discover now