105 8 8

"I don't give a fuck about you anyways
Who ever said I gave a shit 'bout you? "

Mentions of abuse
Cutting and suicide attempt

Namjoon hasn't heard of anything from yoongi for like 4 days. He's getting worried that something happened to yoongi. The truth was that yoongi was trying to push Namjoon away because he doesn't want to fall even more in love with him. He fears that Namjoon is gonna reject him. Yoongis also been having a bad week he found out that his abusive father is back in town and is now scared. He's been cooped up in his house for days since his father showed up at his door and beat him out of nowhere for "acting like a child" and being gay.

Namjoon decides to head over to yoongis house by himself since the older won't answer his calls. He gets in his car and drives to yoongis house. On the drive to yoongis house Namjoon stresses about what could have happened to yoongi. He gets nervous and starts fidgeting in his seat.

When he gets to the house he immediately gets out the car and runs up to the door. He knocks three times but no one answers. He starts getting worried and turns the door nob. Surprisingly the door is open. Namjoon quickly walks in and locks the door behind him. He hears faint sobbing.

He quickly runs to the room where the sobbing comes from and sees yoongi sobbing in the corner of his room covered in bruises and cuts. He quickly runs to yoongi. "Yoonie? Yoonie! What the hell happened who hurt you like this?!?" he quickly grabs yoongis arms and examines them but yoongi quickly pulls away from him.

"W-what are you d-doing in h-here!" he says backing away from Namjoon in fear. "Yoongi. I asked you a question please answer me who did this to you?" Namjoon says in a calm but angry voice. "P-please g-go a-away.." yoongi says voice wavering in fear. "Yoongi! Tell me who did this I can help you!" Namjoon says now getting mad that yoongi won't let him help him.

"G-go a-away i-im f-fine" yoongi says now even more scared at the firey look in namjoons eyes. "Fine then I won't help you. I don't give a fuck about you anyways. Who ever said I give a shit 'bout you?" yoongi looks at Namjoon in disbelief at the words that come out of his mouth. Namjoon continues talking without thinking." you never share your thoughts or communicate. I guess I'm just a playdate to you." Namjoon says walking out and slamming the door behind him.

Yoongi falls to the ground sobbing. He picks up his phone and walks to the kitchen. Grabbing a knife and heading to the bathroom he sits on the floor and cuts his wrist. "Y-you're s-so s-stupid y-yoongi! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING WITH EVERYONE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" he yells at himself continuing to cut his arms and let the blood flow out. He starts feeling light headed and starts smiling. He grabs his phone and calls Namjoon. It goes straight to voicemail.

He leaves a voice mail while sobbing. Then everything goes black.

"Hey Namjoon its me yoongi." he laughs sadly and sniffles. "I just wanted to tell you that you won't have to see me anymore I won't be a burden to you anymore and you won't have to take care of little me anymore. I'm sorry for being such a burden and making you take care of me and spend your money on me. You won't have to do that anymore. I love you namu. Goodbye"

Then the voicemail cuts off.

I'm sorry for this depressing chapter I cried while making this but it's for the plot 😔☝🏽 sorry bubs :[

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