Chapter 8

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Siyeon's POV

"Wake up Singnie, wake up!"

I open my eyes and see Sua in front of me.

"H-huh? Why are you waking me up?", I ask her and stand up.

"Would you think I would let your sleepyass sleep here when we others are going to a restaurant to eat something? No. And why are you sleeping now anyways?"

I take my phone and watch whats the time, but it was the time when Sua's meeting was supposed to start.

"Wait-. How are you still here, even though you left and you have a meeting?", I ask in confusion.

"It got cancelled and we chose to go eat today, since we haven't really spent much time together. Now come!", Sua answers and takes my hand. She pulls me out of my room to outside of the house, not letting go for a single second. And of course, that made my heart drop. I feel heat on my cheeks.

"Ah! Finally Siyeon came. Let's go then", Minji says and we go to our cars.

I went inside Yoohyeon's car, where she was alderady waiting for others to hop in. I was sitting in the middle.

Next to Sua.

It's too awkward.

I need to say something.

"Hey, uh..what was the meeting about? Usually we have meetings with the whole group, but you were the only one to be invited", I awkwardly ask Sua.

I don't hear a respond coming so I move my head to see her, she looks sad. Did I ask a wrong question? What if it wasn't a normal meeting?

"Hey, Sua? Are you okay?"

"Huh?", she looked at me.

"I asked about the meeting, and you didn't answer", I say to her and now she answers to me.

"Oh yeah, about the meeting, it was nothing, don't worry", she says and leans on my shoulder.

She must be tired.

"We're here!", Yoohyeon says and parks the car. We all get out and walk towards the restaurant.

We go in and we see it's full of people.

"Oh no it's full! Any other ideas?", Minji asks others.

"Well we can always go shopping and buy some drinks home and play games!", Gahyeon suggests.

I personally think that this is a wonderful idea. I have been in a mood for drinking for the whole day.

"Sure", everyone says and we go to the mall next to the restaurant.

We go around every shop. We buy snacks, new clothes and other stuff.

"There is one shop more! Let's go!", Sua shouts and runs to the shop.

We have this kind of habit. If we go to the mall together, we go trough every single shop there. And I mean every. Sometimes it gets weird, but usually it's super fun and some of us act super silly. I love it.

"Siyeon, come! Or..are you a quitter?", Handong says to me.

"Of course not", I say and run to the shop. It's actually my favourite one. There is cool pants and hoodies, but also beautiful dresses. And no don't get me wrong. I don't wear dresses that much, but when I do, I want them to be perfect and comftorable.

"Hey Siyeon, I found this dress! Should I try it on?", Sua says and shows me a tight red dress, which was not that long.

"Uhm, I think it would look great on you. Go on and try it. But im gonna go for that section for pants", I say and try to run away fron this situation. I know what this is going for.

"Singnieee..come here with others! We usually check what everyone picked and give our opinions", she takes my hand and drags me with her.

"Oh there you two are! Siyeon seems to got nothing, but Sua try it on!", Dami says and pushes Sua to the fitting room.

I took my phone, cause it takes time to get it on. I scroll trough youtube and watch fan covers. I love them.

"Hey Siyeon, she is ready! What do you think?", Yoohyeon taps my shoulder.

I raise my head from my phone and look at Sua. And I don't know what to say.

The dress fits her perfectly, I look up and down. First of all red fits her and second..the dress goes perfectly with her curves. The dress barely hits her thighs. Right now..I might look like a pervert, but I can't stop staring at her.

"Somebody is having some hard time with this", Handong laughs.

I immediately turn red and giggle nervously, "H-Huh? Yeah it looks good, yes, looks good, yeah..good"

"Are you really panicking so hard only because a dress?", Handong picks on me again and makes me more embarassed. She then pats my head for the sign that she is not rying to be mean.

Please someone save me. God I need you now.

"Let her look if she wants to. It's not a crime and im sure im worth watching anyways. Like..who wouldn't?", Sua then says and dissapears into the fitting room.


I don't know what to say, but she just saved me. And yes, who wouldn't check her out anyways. Duh.

Soon Sua comes out and we go to our cars. We bought beer and soju and we are heading to our dorm. It is alderady 5pm. We spent hours with shopping and eating snacks.

I feel pressure on my shoulder again. Its Sua taking a nap. I just let her sleep, since we are going to drink. She needs some energy for that.


So this is the new chapter y'all been waiting for! This is a short one, but I like writing shorter chapters.

Thanks for reading💕💕

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