Last Fight

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The other fights were very straightforward and over quickly. Deku put up a good fight, but Lilith overpowered him. Todoroki beat Tenya again, though it took a little longer this time. Rayla and Sorren had about the same skill level, but Rayla beat him by just using her quickness and agility.

"Up next, Ika Zetri!" Meliodous shouted. Ika came out in a puff of silver smoke. He coughed a bit, batting some of it away. He looked bored as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, I don't know what you wanted said; Merlin didn't leave anything. Anyway, he will be fighting..... Claudia!" She came out in a puff of black smoke, loving every second of her entrance.

"This'll be fun," she said smirking. Ika shrugged.

"One... Two.... Three!" Ika struck first, sending a sword to Claudia at struck a fast speed, that she was cut on her face before she even knew what happened. Blood streaked down her face and she raised her hand to it. She looked to him, a little afraid, especially since he didn't seem to really care about anything right now. Nor have put much effort into it.

Claudia reached in her pocket and, pulling out one of the spiders in there, she squished it, and sent a burst fire towards his left. He managed to get out of the way just in time, but there was a slight delay in his reaction. He continued sending his swords to her, and while they seemed to miss their mark, she was getting cut up, just like Ika. Phoenix was probably the only one to notice that it was intentional.

Claudia grabbed something else from her pocket once he let up a bit, raised her arm, and sent metal snakes to tie him up. But, it made no difference. His swords cut through them, rendering them useless to her. She tried water and ice. Neither worked for long, either her getting cut up, or him just not phased by it.

"This is getting old," he murmured before dodging the last bit of ice. He yawned and had a sword strike her heart.

And the second after, everyone was fine again and Ika was declared the winner. Most in the bleachers cheered and clapped, but Phoenix was staring at Ika. She thought she noticed him putting his right side first. And when he was attacked from the left, he had a slight delay. She was probably just seeing things. Still......

"That was fun," Astrid said as she walked up to Hiccup after exiting the arena. Rayla and Callum walked next to them.

"Yeah, you were awesome!" Tuffnut exclaimed to Rayla, who blushed. Ruffnut pushed her brother down to praise her. Ika, coming out behind them, rolled his eyes as the two began fighting. And out of nowhere, he got hit in the head with a snowball.

"Seriously?" He asked, turning to see Phoenix on his left. She ignored him and covered his right eye. "What are you doing?"

"How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked, ignoring him again. He sighed and moved her hand off his eye. The place was cold where she had touched him.


"That's cheating."

"No it's not. You covered my eye and I couldn't see. That was cheating." He let go of her hand and started to walk off. She followed.

"So you are blind in that eye," she stated.

"Yeah. So?" He shrugged it off. But then he turned to look at her a glared. "Is that why you threw a snowball at me?" Phoenix blushed in embarrassment.

"Whhaaattt? No, no. Of course not. I was just- well, I was-" but it was fruitless to deny it. "Yes," she sighed.

Ika shook his head to get some of it out. Phoenix's hand glew blue and the snow moved out of his hair, seemingly dancing in the low light. "Thanks."

"Well, since that's over with, wanna go get dinner? I heard from Ban that it's barbeque tonight." He shrugged it off and nodded. Phoenix grabbed his arm and practically dragged him to the hall.

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