Who does what and character requests

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Ban: Counselor of the Fox cabin. Is also the chef.

Elizabeth: Counselor of the Dragon cabin

Meliodous: Owner.

King: Counselor of the Grizzly cabin.

Hawk: Mascot

Diane: Counselor of the Snake cabin.

Gowther: Counselor of the Goat cabin.

Merlin: Counselor of the Boar cabin.

Escanor: Counselor of the Lion cabin.

More info and characters will come as I continue the series. You have until I finish it to ask for your characters to be in it. If you have any suggestions, keep it to the characters I have on here.

When suggesting characters, state what cabin you want. If you want to wait for your favorite character and cabin to place yours, that's fine. Your character must have at least one power and you can only suggest one.

Once I'm done, I'll have a chapter saying that. Be sure to check this often for updates. The places for every cabin will be the ten that I choose.

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