Prank War Begins

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"I'm telling you, that's not what it was ment for," Luz told Gus. They were sitting on a bench outside the Great Hall.

"Then what is it for?" Gus asked, raising the baseball bat up. Ika and Phoenix were passing by when he asked that.

"Hitting people," he remarked. For his comment, he got an elbow to the ribs.

"Don't listen to him," Phoenix said as Ika rubbed his ribs. "It's used for a human sport. Baseballto be exact."

"Human sport? Can we play?" Gus asked, ecstatic.

"Maybe. But we need more people. Plus, I'm not sure how many people here know what it is."

"Count me out," Ika said, trying to walk away. Phoenix grabbed his arm and kept him there.

"Uh uh. You're a captain."

"No, I'm not," he insisted, trying to get away.

"Yes, you are. You're one of the only ones who knows how the game is played. Please?" She gave him her best pleading face, bright blue eyes shining with anticipation for his answer. Ika only looked for a minute, but it was all he needed to be convinced. She was just too.... He couldn't even place it.

"Fine." He blushed slightly, especially when she hugged him.

"Great! I gotta go get a ponytail holder, but I will be right back." And with that, Phoenix ran off to her cabin. Ika touched his face, but shrugged off the blush, blaming it on the sun.

. . .

"What the-!" Phoenix shouted as she opened the door and a pie hit her in her face. She growled as she stumbled in, tripping on something else and slipping. She ended up in the tub somehow, which was filled with either shaving cream or whipped cream.

Once she wiped off her face enough, she dipped her finger in it and decided to taste it. "Ahh! Bad idea! Bad idea! Eeehhwww!"

She got out of the tub and immediately ran to the sink and ran the water to rinse out her mouth. Whoever did this was going to pay.

. . .

"It's not funny, Luz!" Phoenix yelled, crossing her arms. She had made it back to the group, asking if she could use one of their cabins showers. Ika had rolled his eyes at her getting hit with pie, but he wanted to find out who decided it was a good idea to prank his friend.

"It's a little funny," she said, finally subsiding her laughter. Ika glared slightly at Luz.

"Is not!" She insisted.

"Why can't you use your own?" Gus asked, now holding two baseball bats.

"Because, mine is filled with shaving cream!" Phoenix yelled. A few people were starting to stop and stare at the scene, drawn to it by her shouts and the laughter of Luz.

"How do you know it's not shaving cream and not whipped cream?" Luz asked, smirking. Phoenix blushed in embarrassment and looked at the ground. Ika smirked at at her as she scratched the back of her neck.

"I may, or may not have..... Maybe...."

"Tasted it?" Luz asked, trying to contain her laughter.

"Yes..." She muttered, barely audible.

"What was that?" Gus asked, not trying to be mean. Just not hearing her. Luz struggled to hold her laughter, especially once Phoenix shouted in annoyance.

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