Christmas In June: Part 1

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"Hey Gus," Luz said cheerfully as the witch in question sat across from her. He had a weird expression that seemingly only Phoenix, Ika, and Amity noticed.

"You okay, kid?" Phoenix asked him.

"Yeah," he said as brightly as ever. Amity took a bit of her food as Phoenix took a sip of her drink. "I just learned to never investigate grunting in the woods." Phoenix spit out her drink, which was revealed to be soda, Amity choked on her food, Luz patting her back to help, and Ika wiped away his smile.

"Why would that-" Willow started, but Phoenix loudly interrupted.

"Hey Amity! Tell us about your cabin!"

"Huh? Uh, sure," Amity said, throat hurting from choking, but finally able to talk. "It has these green and red decorations-"

"Sounds like Christmas," Luz chimed.

"I love Christmas," Phoenix took over. "It's so much fun to sing, eat cookies-"

"Make gingerbread houses, spend time with family." Phoenix hesitated before continuing.

"Seeing all the lights." She sighed in joy and nostalgia. Ika rolled his eyes.

"Sounds fun," Willow said. "I wish we had something like that on The Boiling Isles." Phoenix and Luz gasped.

"You're telling me that you've never had Christmas?" Phoenix asked in disbelief. The three shook their heads.

"Well, we'll just have to change that!" Luz declared.

"How?" Ika asked. Phoenix and Luz looked to each other before answering at the same time.

"Christmas in July!"

"It's June."

"Christmas in June, then," Phoenix said, a bit annoyed before turning back to Luz. "Anyway, we could make it a whole camp thing! We could have a tree in the middle of the Great Lawn, music, and, ooo! I can handle the snow." Her hand glowed a little blue for effect.

"We could have a secret Santa thing!" Luz squealed and Phoenix agreed.

"How are you gonna pull that off?" Ika asked. "I'm pretty sure you need permission to do something like this."

"Hmm....." Phoenix thought. "You're right. We should go ask Meliodous if we can. Bye Ika!" She said as she hugged him before grabbing Luz by the arm and dragging her off. Amity became a bit jealous at it, but Ika had froze at the contact with Phoenix. Why did she insist on doing that? It was annoying.... Yeah, that was the word for it.

. . .

Phoenix and Luz had successfully talked Meliodous into letting them do a Christmas thing, ("Sure, sounds fun.") and had called everyone, including the counselors, to the Great Lawn. The two were on a stage of ice that Phoenix had created with everyone crowded around.

"Attention everyone!" Luz shouted over the conversations. No one but the counselors, Hiccup, Astrid, the Voltron crew, and Owl House people listened.

"Guys! Shut it!" Phoenix yelled. Still the conversations continued.

"Everyone, shut the hell up!!" Ban yelled, growing tired of all this. That quieted everyone.

"Thank you, Ban," Phoenix said. "Now, it has come to light to Luz and me that not everyone here has had or even knows what Christmas is."

"So, Phoenix and I have decided," Luz paused for effect. Longer than she should've and people started to get restless again, but before a riot broke out she spoke again. "To make it Christmas in June!"

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