The Next Fight: Eda vs Bakugo

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Phoenix wanted to sit next to Luz, but with the way she looked, she figured she just needed space. So she went with Uraraka to sit with Midoriya, Tenya, and Todoroki.

"Hey, that fight was awesome!" Midoryia told her and Uraraka. Uraraka simply nodded, but Phoenix did pay them much more mind than a slight wave and 'meh'.

"Indeed," Tenya added, turningto Phoenix. "You definitely seem like a worthy opponent. I hope I get to face to face you.

"Thanks," Phoenix said, not taking her eyes off of Luz. Todoroki noticed, and, remembering how Izuku and his mother did it,, moved to comfort her. Although, it was extremely awkward.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, a hand on her shoulder. Phoenix noticed how warm it was.

"You seem down," Midoriya stated. Todoroki gave him a small smile, thankful he didn't have to console her amen's. Izuku simply nodded.

"Yeah. I just wish Luz would understand that I wasn't trying to downplay her abilities. She thinks I've betrayed her, and I haven't. I just... I see where Eda is coming from and I know that she's right."

"Well, it probably doesn't help coming from someone who she barely knew," Todoroki said. Both Midoriya and Phoenix gained an embarrassed look. Phoenix muttered something along the lines of 'fair'. Tenya noticed her look change from embarrassed back to upset when she looked towards Amity's failed attempts to get her cheered up.

"You seem really attached to her," he stated.

"Maybe a bit more than I should," she said, rubbing the back of her neck. "She just reminds me of me about a year back. I feel like-" Phoenix would've continued, but Meliodous interrupted.

"Now, onto the next fight!" Meliodous shouted.

“This pairing is not random like the other’s,” Merlin announced. “One of the contestants has requested to fight the other. Edalyne Clawthorn, a lady who doesn’t let her age stop her.” Eda came out in a puff of white smoke, riding on her staff. She did one lap around the arena before landing.

“And Katsuki Bakugo, who said that he ‘will crush everyone in this competition and win.’ Well, we’ll see about that.” She was cut off completely by an explosion, not the smoke that had been seen previously. The blackness that had come from Bakugo’s own explosion spread as he entered. Most, especially the ones who knew him, rolled their eyes.

“Hey, old lady!” he yelled, a dangerous grin on his face. “Don’t think I’ll take it easy on you because of your age!”

“Back atcha, Explosive!” Eda countered, twirling her staff before tapping it to the ground, an orange spark of magic showing. Bakugo growled at the nickname.

“Fighters… begin!” Merlin announced. Bakugo quickly used his explosions to get a strong kick in. However, Eda used a spell circle to create a small shield to block the attack. To counter, she summoned a Hooty. Bakugo was only able to avoid it for a minute before it knocked him into the wall.

He pulled the pin on his gauntlet, breaking the Hooty into pieces. He then turned to Eda, aiming his other gauntlet at her, pulling the pin to his other gauntlet. Eda did a spell circle to capture the blast then very quickly did another so the blast ended up shooting towards Bakugo. 

“God damnit, How many quirks do you have?!” he yelled, using little blasts to get out of the way. 

“I’m the most powerful witch on the boiling isles, kid!” she yelled back, creating a fire circle with her staff. “No one can-” she then proceeded to drop it, “Ah, darn it” she muttered. Bakugo saw the opening as she bent to pick it, getting as close as possible and letting the explosions free.

Eda was faster and made another shield to cover her whole body. Bakugo glared until he saw it starting to break, then smirked. But Eda smirked as well, Owlbert’s eyes flashing. The light temporarily blinded Bakugo long enough for the wooden owl to fly right into his head and start pulling on his hair.

“What the hell?! Get this damn thing off me!” While the boy was distracted, she tapped the bottom of her staff to the broken Hooty, a new circle appearing right before the blonde. Owlbert finally left the boy alone as a giant Hooty ate him. Eda then used an ice spell to cover it, ensuring he wouldn’t be able to leave. 

As soon as she did, there was a puff of purple smoke and the arena was cleared and Eda and Bakugo were standing side by side, the latters eyes twitching.

“It’s… over?” Tenya said.

“Kacchan lost?” Midoryia said. Todoroki was just awestruck at her unbelievable power. And instinct told him that wasn’t even a full dive into her abilities. Abilities he would have to beat if he was going to win.

“What the hell just happened?!” Bakugo yelled, explosions erupting from his hands. Eda just had her staff disappear before putting her hands on her hips. 

“I told ya Explosive,” she said smugly. “I’m the best witch on The Boiling Isles. No one can beat me.” Bakugo continued growling and tearing up the ground beneath him. Eda realized he wasn’t going to stop, so she quickly put a sleep spell on him.

"I definitely don't wanna get on her bad side," Phoenix muttered.

"Agreed," Uraraka and Tenya said in unison.

"Luz, did you see that?" Gus said, excitedly pointing down into the arena.

"That guy has some serious anger issues," Amity muttered. Then she noticed that Luz had decided to sit on the floor, glaring at the seat in front of her. Amity decided to do the same, despite how her face heated. "Luz, you can't stay mad at her."

"The heck I can't," she grumbled. "She doesn't understand how far I've come! All she thinks about is being the best witch! Well, what if I want to be the best?!"

"You know that’s not true. Did you not see what everyone did?" Luz grumbled and turned away, pouting a bit. "The people here are way too powerful for us."

"You don't know that! We defeated Grom, right?"

"That was a bit different," Willow chimed. "You were fighting something that couldn't think beyond one thing and you also had Amity's help."

"This contest is one on one," Gus said. Luz just pouted more.

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