Chapter Twenty-Four: The End

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The company of heroes, horses and humans rejoiced over their victory in the Great Hall of Distress' castle. All the long, red windows were flung wide open, letting fresh light and air stream inside for the first time in decades. The friends shared their sides of the story the others missed, their listeners thirsty for the knowledge even as they smiled over the already known result.

Princess Adeline and Gillroy sat next to one another on the banquet table at the center of the hall. Prince Darrik and Eudora were similarly coupled in a pair of chairs, holding hands, across from the Once-upon-a Timeans. All four of the humans listened to Knightley and Dark Journey recount their story of the dragons.

The only person missing from the conference was Jarryd. He put himself to work around the castle, desperately trying to shoo shadows away by opening every window in every chamber. He now was the castle's sole proprietor, so Jarryd possessed the authority and opportunity to beckon new life into the ancient building. Besides turning a new page for the land of Distress, Jarryd also wanted to be alone. He had so much to think about, plans to make for a future finally his to craft.

In fact, the world was changing for everyone within this domain. The kingdom of Distress was still a dusty wasteland, but sunshine and better breezes would transform the valley slowly but surely. As Knightley related to the royal pairs, the creatures in Distress were not as dull as they first had thought. The dragons and ravens in the cave could throw off their stupor and change their dreary existence, as they had done today against Lady Jacqueline. All it took was a bit of coaxing and opportunism. The beasts were dark and intimidating on the outside, but within their hearts they still longed for freedom and beauty like anyone else. The inhabitants of Distress would never let things go back to the way they had been, especially after having tasted the glory of liberty and natural brightness.

"I am so proud of you, Knightley," Prince Darrik said, "You've gone beyond the call of duty this time. Though truthfully, I never expected anything less than the phenomenal from you."

Knightley bowed in gratitude. "I thank you, sire. But I hope you know that exceeding my duty is always a pleasure when it is on your behalf. I believe a prince as brave and generous as you should have a similarly committed horse as his servant."

"And friend, Knightley," Darrik added. "Let's not forget that." Knightley coughed to demurely hide the whinny of delight he felt at this statement.

"I still can hardly believe it," Princess Adeline mused, "Lady Jacqueline is dead. Fairy Tale's greatest enemy has been defeated, at last, and by our efforts."

"It does seem sort of like a dream," Eudora said. "She caused so many people grief and now...she is gone."

"Gone..." Gillroy stared up at the ceiling. "There's something not quite right about her simply exploding into a cloud of sparkles and nothingness. As gruesome as it may sound, I would feel more secure if there was a body left over."

There was a brief lull in the conversation as everyone considered Gillroy's statement. They all had lived in fear of Lady Jacqueline for so long it was practically impossible to imagine Fairy Tale without her threatening presence. Gill was right; the lack of physical evidence of her demise was intimidating. She vanished in a puff of smoke at other times in her life, why should her death be any different?

"Just look around you," Eudora urged Gillroy, "The land of Distress is starting over. Light and life are waking up in this place. If Lady Jacqueline was still alive, none of this spring-like beginning would be taking place. I've seen what she can do to a lovely land, and believe me, what is happening here is a complete reversal of her darkening effect. Have faith and enjoy our success, Gill."

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