I'm Going To Marry You

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"I'm going to marry you one day!" The young boy exclaimed. Dark brown hair falling over even darker eyes. A care free grin plastered on his face as he swung his arms back and forth.

"Don't you think we're a bit to young?" Utah inquired, he was quick to brush back the hair that had fell back. He reminded himself to ask their caretakers to cut it later.

"Then I'll wait for us to get older!" Colorado announced as it was the most obvious thing in the world, to him it was.

"What of we're not friends anymore?" The blonde boy asked.

"Nonsense, we'll always be friends!"


"No buts! I will marry you no matter what, and that's a promise!" Coco said firmly, squeezing Utah's hand.

"Promise?" Utah says, sqeezeing Coco's hand in return.

"Promise." Coco said. Utah felt reassured with those words. He knew Coco wasn't the one to break promises, no matter how old they were.

"I love you Coco." Utah said, as they finally reached the river. Coco watched the boy play with the rocks near the riverbank. He watched as Utah threw the rocks in the river.

"I love you too" Coco whispered before walking over to the blonde.

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