Open the door

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Hey its Lexie here we go authors note at the end.

"Open it."


"Open the door Grace. make them go away and tell them its fine. If I hear you say a word about me being here I will break the locket."

I gulp but accepting I nod. I make my way over to the door and turn the Handel not ready for what is to come.


I take hold of the Handel and open it up. I swing the door open revealing a tall figure. I crease my eyebrows together at the sight of the unexpected man in front of me.

"Zayn?" I question.

"Grace what happened?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask casually as he peeks into my small little house, taking a step to the side I attempt to block his view knowing that things must be thrown about.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine." I say taking in a breath. I see his eyes brows go up in confusion to my breathless state.

"What are you doing here?" I ask to devierte his attention.

"I came to give you the notes." He says casually still trying to peek over my shoulder.

"I don't need them." I inform him and go to close the door. He needs to go now. I'm not sure how long I can reamin calm. Especially while mike has Elle's locket. Zayn stops the door with his foot and looks at me with confusion.

"I'm tired." I try and explain a little to quickly.

"Sorry Grace but I just have to make sure."


Before I can stop him he pushes the door open and steps in.

"Hey what are you doing?" I ask frantically.

He stops observing the mess. I turn my attention to it as well. To my disadvantaged It looks much worse then I had thought. Broken glass layes everywhere in multiple colors and various sizes all over my kitchen and living room area. The chair mike threw left a hole and a disassembled chair on the opposite side as well as the hole from my head hitting the wall. Along with that my hair dryer lays on the floor as well, my bedroom door open and all my furniture in disarray. Mike is no where in site.

Turing quickly on his heel zayn glares at me.

"What happened?" He demands.

"I threw a fit it happens I'm a girl we are moody." I try to play it off.

"Grace I'm serious what happened are you alright?" Am I alright?

I don't answer him.

"Grace tell me what happend now are you hurt? Who did this?"

"I did it myself I swear."

"You are not getting a thing back." I hear a voice say as my front door is slammed shut. I imidiatley run towards the sound. The door. Leaving. He's leaving with Elle's locket.

"No!" I shreak. "Please no stop!"

I take off after mike, zayns voice following close behind. mike joggs down the street faster then i can even keep up. My bare feet hit the cold grass as I race after him. I continue to chase him as a black car pulls up.

The Bucket List (A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora