dont mention it

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Author's note at the end enjoy! :)


I watch Harry as we drive the moon light shines  on his face and it gives him a glow of that of an angel. I admire his features as he concentrates on the road. I look around trying to decifer my current location but its indecisive to me. I can't tell any of the roads apart from the others and if Harry was to kick me out of the car I would have no way of knowing how to get home, or to anywhere. I watch as the trees flicker past. The stars in the sky really look beautiful tonight.

Pulling into an open lot harry parks the car. I look around and see trees everywhere. Nothing but trees.

"where are we and what are we doing here, in the middle of no where?" I question a bit of worry in my voice.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you." He laughs a bit.


I reach over and shove his shoulder. Hard.

"Hey that's not funny!" I retort and He just laughs and opens his car door getting out. I just watch him and I don't move not sure what I should do. Do I follow him? Do I wait for him?

"What are you doing?" He asks walking over to my side of the car. He opens my door. For some reason it makes me smile that he did that its something I feel only real gentalmen do now a days and its cute and romantic and adorable. I feel like a complete idiot for not just getting out of the car actually. It makes me feel so dumb that I waited until he walked all the way around the car and he had to physically open my door and tell me to get out. Any normal person would have put it together. Great now he thinks I'm stupid.

"What are we doing here." I ask.

"I feel like its nice to come and walk around. And today I was feeling nice so I decided to let you tag along." He says as I unbuckle my seat belt and get out shutting the car door.

"Oh don't I feel honored." I playfully boast.

"You should." He smiles and walks towards an opening in the short wooden fence.

There's trees everywhere all of them standing at least 20 feet tall.

"There's a path I know this way." He says pointing out on the distance. "Its really nice."

"Now how do I know your not going to kill me?" I question.

"I promise I'm not going to kill you miss grace." He says chuckling a bit. 

We countinue walking and all of a sudden he looks over at me, a serious look on his face.

"Do you trust me?"he asks.

"Should I?" I respond to his question with another question.

"You should." He says to me with a small nod.

I mean i haven't known him for long and I dont really consider us friends, but he is the closest thing I've made to a friend since I've been here.

"Harry where are you from?" I ask out of the blue.

"Why would you think I'm not from here?" He questions.

"Well your accent isn't one of an Australian so reasoning lead me to believe that your not originally from here."

"So she's smart and talented? A deadly combination indeed, but your right I'm not from here im from England."

"Really? Iv always wanted to go there! Is it beautiful? Why did you leave? I would have stayed there forever!" He chuckles at my response and shakes his head.

The Bucket List (A Harry Styles Fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें