Warm regards

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Author note at the end :)


Mr.Payne gives us an assignment. The assignment is to write about the difference between being frightened and to be fearful. An intriguing question that I'm a little excited to debate about. English has always been one of my best subjects and I'm glad to get the chance to be here. With a few exceptions.

"What happened?" Harry asks me. I look up and notice he's switched his seat and now sits next to me. How did I not see this coming? Im not prepared to be near him right now. He does not look up or anything he just simply starts to write in his book. Looking back down at mine I question him now.

"What?" I ask.

"What happened after you went to the Library? I went in to look for you but you were gone already."

"I took a cab home I wasn't going to just wait around for you to show up." I explain.

"what about after?" He questions.

"I went home."

"That's it?"

"Yeah Harry that is it." I say looking up at him annoyed.

"Im sorry if my life isnt interesting enough for you."

"Not what I meant." He says with am irritated sigh.

"you don't have to take everything as a threat or an insult it was just a question." he says and doesn't bother to look at me while he talks. He only lifts an eyebrow. Iscoff ignoring him as I continue to write my thoughts down.

English goes By fast and before I know it the bell rings to let us go.

"Grace can you come here for a minute." Mr.Payne says addressing me.

Grabbing my things as everyone shuffles out of the room I approach Mr.Payne.

"Yes sir?"

Standing from his cluttered desk he pulls off his black framed glasses and turns to me. When he stands I take notice of his height as his large frame stands over my petit one.

"So While you were out you misses some Notes. According to school policy I have to allow you

to make them up with some other things we worked the past two days."

"How much could I have possibly missed in two days?" I ask.

"A lot." He explains simply with a shrug as he runs his hand threw his hair.

"Your welcome to stay after one day this week and I'll help you catch up." He offers.

"You can't just give me a work sheet?"

"There's certain material you need to know and I need to be able to properly teach you for you to be able to understand what's going on properly. I'm sure you of all people of course understand the that."

I nod. "Okay."

"Very good." He says flashing me a smile.

Not being in the mood to ask any questions or think about what I'm even agreeing to I leave the room and make my way into the hallway. I begin to walk in the direction of my next class as Harry finds his way next to me in the crowd.

"What was that?" He asks a bit mean but flatly.

"What was what Harry?" I sigh. I though he was mad at me but now here is is again.

"Did you not see the way he was looking at you? It was disgusting."

"The way he looked at me?"

"He clearly has things planned out." He explains.

The Bucket List (A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now