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My classes for the rest of the day went alright and so did the next days. I have not talked to Harry or seen mike since then and i may have just skipped english to avoid him. I'm trying my best to just block everyone and everything and foucus on things that are important and block out all of the irrelevant things. I ended up making a few friends in my other classes and zayns even in my science class, we didn't talk to each other but he did smile at me when I walked in. I guess he understands why I don't really want to talk. I don't know zayn that well but I don't think he would tell anyone what he saw the other night at my house.

I don't know what to expect on Friday or what mike has planned. I feel so powerless when it comes to him. How did things even come this far? If been running for so long trying to get away from everything I never wanted but it just followed me. He followed me.

Leaving him was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. It took me so much time to even start to think myself capible of leaving but I did. I left there I left without a trace, or I tried to at least. I truly believed that I was going to move on to a new chapter in my life or start something new. I wanted a chance to change and delete the negative. Everyone has hopes and dreams but it seems that sometimes people are not meant to achieve them because there is always some outside obstacle in there way. Take me for example. Iv never intentionly tried to hurt anyone or screw things up, iv never wanted things to become so bad. All iv ever wanted was a normal life to be honest I wouldn't mind a normal day.

I stare at the ceiling from my bed. I've counted the ceiling tiles over and over again. I don't know what to do. I can not and will not allow mike to mess up my life any longer. No matter how long I stare and think I just can't come up with a solution to my problem. What am I supposed to do.

I could just kill him and get rid of all this drama but I don't have the heart to kill him or mental stability for jail. I could also call the cops and not mention the drug part about him and just report him for stalking. Maybe I could get a restraining order. The only problem is that I think he would just send people after me. He knows to many people to mess around with him.

Another question I've been asking myself is why Niall. Why would Mike ask Niall to give me a note. He clearly knows where I live. It's been proven before so why involve him in it at all and what did he mean by my business. The way that he worded it made me invent the idea that maybe he has something to do in the drug business. But I don't want to start making assumptions or pointing fingers it's not who I am and that's not what I'm about to do. What he does and what Mike does has nothing to do with me anymore and I will not involve myself in whatever it is he's doing.

Sighing I get get off my bed room floor and attempt to smooth my hair out with my hands. Its six thirty and um supposed to meet mike at about seven. I'm not sure if showing up is a good idea, who knows what he will end up doing to me. The thought of what he might do if I don't show up is even more unsettling. He could so anything to that locket and as long as he has it he knows I will do whatever possible to insure it remains untouched.

My time is dwindling away and I'm not sure what to do exactly. Show or no show.

I close my eyes taking in a take a deep breath in and hold it. Slowly releasing my breath I have to use all my will power to get up. Slipping on my black hoddie and grabbing my phone from the counter i get ready to leave. The ally is not to far so walking seems like the best idea to not draw any attention to myself. Taking one last trip to the bathroom I fix my hair and and put my hood up.

Not wanting anyone to know or take notice where I'm going I plan to walk to the ally. I make sure to walk as slow possibly while I play out how things might go down between the two of us. What does he want this time, Was trashing my house not enough entertainment for him?

The Bucket List (A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora