Dance class

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Hello its Lexie!
Here chapter 2 enjoy! Authors note at the end enjoy! :)

I picture Grace as Issi Durant if anyone was wondering :)
She Plays Grace Whitney on dance acedemy so if you wanted to know i put a picture in the sidebar above.


Graces POV:

I've already missed the first half of my very first class. Everybody is in sessions or class right now and no one is in the Halls. The campus is big and extremely pretty. Large pillars line the walkways and the walls have paintings draped on them of dancers and student performance pictures. It seems so empty and quite. Peeking into one of the class rooms I see students dancing in perfect alignment they all look so perfect and well rehearsed and it's actually a little scary to be think I'll be dancing here among them I have no doubt that I could do it but its still a new thing.

After about 5 minutes of roaming the halls I find and walk into my classroom. Everyone's attention is directed towards me like I just was on fire or something, which is wonderful just wonderful.

"Ahh you must be the new girl." An older man says as he directs his attention to me. He wears professional attire and has a name tag. Affirming my assumption that he is in fact the instructor. I nod affirming his. I must say I don't quite like the way 'new girl' sounds it's to non-me sounding.

"Grace is it?" He holds his hand out for me to shake.

I take a step towards him and shake his hand.

"That's me" I say proudly holding my head up.

"Welcome Grace I'm Mr.Knight." he informs me as He steps fowards to addresse the class.

"Everybody this is Grace, she's going to be joining us for the remainder of the year, I'll have you know iv done my research on her and Grace here actually holds the world record for most consecutive turns in a row. And she also holds a title for NYC national dance competition. Maybe everyone can learn a thing or two form you Miss Grace."

I can't help but let a smirk grow on my face as they all look at me. They all look at me with hatred, they don't see me as a friend they see my as a threat. And I love a good challenge.

"Miss Grace you can jump in any time I'm sure you'll catch on real quickly. You'll be dancing alone for the moment but just try and compromise we have an uneven number of girls and guys"

Without having to be told twice I kick off my shoes and trade them for my contemporary ones. After I put them on and putting on the ridiculous tutu I'm required to wear I join the group of other so called 'dancers'. I'm glad I wasn't paired up with anyone, if rather dance alone at the moment.

The piece they're working is simple yet elegant with an edge, everything a contemporary piece should be. It's a piece I've done before so it poses no challenge but a classic at the least. As expected I catch on pretty quickly as I switch my positions and dace well with all the others and I feel content and joyful like I always do when I dance. I'm glad I feel comfortable here and I'm able to reach euphoria and let my feet move without thoughts.

Just as we're in the middle of the piece the door opens. I ignore it at first and continue dancing but when the music is quick to be clicked off I stop dancing. Frowning I divert my attention to the disruption of it all.

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