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I awoke in pitch black. 


The only sound was screeching metal as I assumed I was reaching the top of whatever this thing is. My prison jolts to a stop and two large doors swing open above me. I see about twenty startled faces staring down at me, not making a sound. I stand and climb out of my prison. I then see the forest. And I run. I run as fast as I can to the tree line that I almost fall over on my face. I can hear the boys that stood above me, calling for me to come back. I keep running as fast as my legs will carry me, never stopping, never slowing. Finally, I reach a wall. A large cement wall with seemingly no end. I walk along the wall to the end of the woods where the wall continues for a while then has a large door in the center and continues on again. I stare at the door wondering what it contains.

 I looked around and there seemed to be no one there so I ran to the door. Once I reach it though, my stomach drops. I can tell just by the sight of it that it is a terrible place. I would rather take my chances there with whatever it contains than in here with these people. I then burst out of the clearing to the door. The others screamed at me to stop, and I heard them running to try and reach me. I am quicker than them though, and I run into the long corridor. I take a left then right then a few more lefts. I have a pretty good sense of direction, so finding my way out shouldn't be a problem. I see the sun going down and I ran back the way I came. I am about fifty feet away from the door when I notice that the walls were closing. I knew I didn't want to be trapped in here for the night so I ran as fast as I could, never wanting to reach a place so badly. I approach the doors as they are about five feet apart and risk being crushed. I run and I have to turn so I don't get crushed just as I approach the place I woke up in. I collapse on the ground from exhaustion, just as some people run to me. A tall boy with blonde hair and a limp, a boy with dark skin who is slightly shorter than the first, a boy with brown hair who was quite a lot faster than the others, and a boy with short blondish hair. They all reached me at about the same time, panting nonetheless, and the tall one grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up.

"You bloody shank! Why in the heck would you go out into the maze!" He yelled at me with a slight amount of concern in his eyes. Why would he care if I went into this maze?

"Newt, calm down, she didn't know." the brown haired one replied softly. I pulled my arm from the boy, apparently his name was Newt and crossed my arms.

"You need to come back with us, we will get you a bed and some food. We won't hurt you, I promise." The brown haired one said again.

"How can you be so bloody nice about this Tommy? She just bloody ran into the maze like she owned the place!" Newt said to the brown haired boy. I noticed Newt sounded different from the other boy. Maybe he was from another country. The thought of countries brings up all sorts of cloudy memories that I can't sort out.

"Well how is she supposed to know the rules Newt? Why are you getting so angry about this?" The brown skinned one replied, Newt just walked away clearly angry.

"I'm Alby, this is Thomas as you heard, and this is Gally." the brown skinned boy said. I looked at each of them, memorizing their names. 

"Let's get you back to camp alright?" Thomas asked tipping his head up towards some small buildings made of old materials.

"When do the doors open again?" I responded, pointing to the doors.

"Why would you want to know that?" Gally replied.

"Because I want to go back in idiot." I said rolling my eyes at the boy.

"Oh, no you are not allowed in there. We will let you know about rules and how we work things here tomorrow. For now, let's just go back to camp." Alby replied turning to with the other boys to go back to the camp. I didn't budge.

"When do the doors open?" I asked again, slightly irritated. 

Gally turned around and rolled his eyes."In the morning shuck-face. Lets go." he turned around again, and this time I followed. I refused to eat anything. And I didn't say another word to anyone. There was a piece of timber laying so that you could lean against it and look at the door to the left of where I came through. I just sat there and stared at the doors. After a while I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey." was all the voice said. But I recognized it.

"What do you want Newt?" I replied angrily.

"I just came to bloody apologize and that is the thanks I get? You're the feistiest Greenie we have had yet." he said sitting down next to me. He had cooled down a lot since I last talked to him.

"Don't call me Greenie. I have a name." I replied glancing at him.

"Well then what is it?" He responded taking a drink of something he brought with him.

"My name is Carter." I said with a sigh. I was already done with this conversation.

"Well then gree- I mean Carter, why don't you go enjoy the party? It's for you." he responded turning slightly to face me.

"I'd rather not go party with as you called it shanks. I'm good here waiting for this so called maze to open." I replied crossing my ankles. Just as he was about to reply a mechanical scream sounded from inside the maze. I listened and then there were three more. The scream of what was in there triggered something.

"Grievers." I said standing up. I turned to camp and all of sudden I knew all about where I was and who I was with. It was as though the screams connected something. 

"I'm in the Glade. I'm actually in the Glade. And there are Grivers out there!" I got excited at the fact that I knew a part of what was going on. Newt stood up and looked at me funny.

"What are you bloody talking about? How do you know all that?" He said raising an eyebrow accusingly.

"I just.... I don't know. I can't explain how I know it. It just came to me." I said looking him in the eye.

"Alright then Greenie. You still want to stay here alone?" He responded crossing his arms.

"I'll be over in a few minutes." I replied. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

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