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I sat and stared at the Maze for a few minutes, remembering all about this place. Where this information came from. I walked back to where everyone was. Thomas and Newt were talking on the side of everything and I sat down next to the boy called Gally.

"Hey." I greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Greenie." he responded and smiled up at me.

" You been assigned a job yet?" He replied with a slight smile still lingering on his face.

"I've been here not even a day. But I want to be a runner." I said putting my elbows on my knees and my hands under my chin, looking at the huge fire in front of me.

"Are you shucking kidding me Greenie? You sound like Thomas." he said shaking his head.

"What? I'm fast enough, I have been in there, not to mention I made it back alive, and I hate it in the Glade." I said with a shrug. He looked at me again and chuckled.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Greenie. You been assigned a bed?" He said standing.

"Nope." I replied standing with him.

"Well let's get you a hammock then alright?" He said starting to walk towards all these hammocks. That was when I noticed Thomas and Newt. They would look at me then whisper something to each other. Weird. I caught up with Gally just as he finished tying up my hammock. I layed down and swayed a little. 

"Thanks a lot Gally." I said putting my hands under my head.

"No problem." he replied laying in the hammock next to mine. I assumed it was his but I decided to ask anyway.

"Yeah it's mine. Why do you care Greenie?"

"I don't stupid." I responded quickly. "I'm going to sleep so shut up okay?" I told him and turned over to sleep. 

I slept unusually peacefully considering the situation. But in what I assume as the middle of the night, I heard voices. I barely squinted my eyes to see in case they were looking at me. It was Gally, Alby, and another boy I didn't know.

"What do you think of the new Greenie? I can't believe a girl came up." Alby said first. This was the first thing I could clearly hear him say anyway.

"Yeah, she isn't all that bad really. Minho, she told me she wants to be a runner." Gally responded looking to the other boy. Minho. I think they called him the keeper of the runners. I assume it was Minho who chuckled.

"Well then I guess I'll have to see her run. Hasn't she already been in the Maze anyway?" Minho responded.

"You have got to be shucking kidding me. You can't take her in the maze with you. You would have to be crazy." Gally responded quickly. A sudden anger and what was it, fear strung his voice.

"Why not shank? You like her?" Minho replied crossing his arms. Gally didn't get a chance to reply before Alby chimed in.

"She is going to try every job just like everyone else shanks. She is going to the farms with Newt tomorrow. Apparently, he thinks she should go there first." I could barely see that shadow of Gally's fave in the pale moonlight but he looked relieved. I had the urge to sit up and tell them that I should be a runner. What do I have to lose? I sat up slowly so they wouldn't notice.

"I want to be a runner." I said standing. All three boys jumped back a little, startled by my sudden words.

"What are you doing up shank?" Gally responded.

"Listening to you shanks talk about me. Alby, let me be a runner. I have already been in the darn Maze and made it out alive." I turned to face Alby more. 

"True. But we need order around here. I can't just let Greenies do whatever they want whenever. It's really up to Minho anyway. But, you are going to all of the jobs here okay? Farming with Newt tomorrow." Alby sternly responded. I sighed and sat back down in my hammock. Alby walked over about twenty feet to his hammock and layed down. Minho and Gally looked at each other for a moment.

"Will you at least see me run?" I asked Minho. He smiled in reply.

"Fine Greenie. When you have tried all the other jobs, you can come race me. If you win, you can be a runner. If not then you pick another job alright?" He responded crossing his arms. I couldn't imagine how big my smile was.

"Okay." I responded laying down. I could tell by Gally's sigh that he did not agree. I heard Minho walk away and Gally lay down. After a few moments I propped myself up on one elbow.

"Why do you care if I'm a runner or not? I'm just one less person to feed." I asked him, hoping he was still awake. I saw him sit up and I stood and sat on the ground next to him. He looked almost flustered, so I let it go. I got up to walk around when he grabbed my wrist. I turned around and freed myself from his grip then walked away. I walked to where me and Newt had our first actual conversation and stared up to the sky. I was startled by the sudden approach of footsteps. I turned to see Thomas.

"Hey" I said as coolly as possible.

"Hey Greenie. Why are you up so late?" He asked standing about a foot in front of me.

"Why are you up?" I responded, sitting where I had before.

"Couldn't sleep. Why are you up?" He responded sitting next to me where Newt had first sat.

"Gally, Alby, and Minho woke me up with their loud talking about me." I responded. "What were you and Newt talking about earlier? You kept looking at me and Gally and whispering."

"Oh, I was just telling Newt how surprised I was at how quickly he warmed up to you. I can't say it was the same for me." he replied but I could tell he was lying. Of he was gonna lie about it, i might as well not pry.

"You're a runner aren't you Thomas?" I asked after a few brief moments.

"Yeah I am. Why?"

"Do you think I could be a runner? I've already talked to Minho and Alby, but might as well get a third opinion." I replied with a shrug.

"You totally could. You're a great runner." he responded with a smile.

"I should probably get to bed. You too, Thomas." I said over my shoulder as I walked away. I assume Gally was asleep when I got back so I silently went to sleep in my hammock. Day one complete.

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