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I woke up with the sun the next morning and I didn't see anyone else up so I went to the log I always sat at. The doors had opened for the day so I assume the runners were gone. I wondered to myself if they would make it back okay. I went back to the hammocks to find Gally awake and sitting in his hammock.

"Hey Gally." I said sitting my my hammock.

"Hey Greenie. Aren't you supposed to be in the fields right now?" 

"Aren't you supposed to be building stuff right now?" He gave me a smile in return to my comment. We just stared at each other for a moment and he looked as though he was going to say something when

"Greenie! Come on!" Newt yelled from a few feet away. I sighed.

"See ya later Gally." I said kicking his boot lightly then walking over to Newt.

"Hey Newt. So, you're gonna like teach me how to farm or something?" I asked as we started walking.

"Yeah pretty much. It should be pretty easy." He responded after a few moments.

"What were you and Thomas talking about when you kept looking at me and Gally yesterday?" I asked after a moment to see if Thomas really was lying. Newt raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I was just asking him if I should go help you with your hammock and things. Seems like Gally already did though." he replied quickly.

"Oh yeah? That's not what Thomas told me. I knew he was lying." I said looking at Newt for a moment then back at the field we had just approached. He didn't say anything else about the conversation between him and Thomas, he just got right to teaching me.

"So, you just dig a little hole, put the seed in, and cover it back up. Got it?" He showed me right away and he seemed to be a natural.

"Yup." I replied. Once I got working, I started to sing a little tune from who knows where. I stopped when I didn't see Newt opposite me planting seeds. I turned my head to see he was watching me with his hands under his chin with a happy expression on his face.

"What are you looking at Newt?" I asked abruptly which seemed to break him from his thoughts.

"Your voice. It's bloody brilliant." he said seemingly amazed.

"Thanks." wow, that was a clever thing to say Carter.

The day went by pretty fast and after we were done I went to get water for Minho and Thomas for when they returned. Newt followed me as I approached the doors.

"Why are you following me?" I asked after a few minutes.

"I'm here to make sure you don't bloody run in there again. Why do you care?" He responded quickly.

"What is up with you? One minute your all nice the next you're a total piece of dirt. What gives?" I replied throwing my arms in the air. Newt stepped closer to me putting his hand on my shoulder, brushing a piece of hair away. From behind him I saw Thomas and Minho approach.

"Thomas! Minho! Hi!" I said stepping around Newt and handing them water.

"Thanks Greenie. Got to go map before we forget. Be back in a few." Minho said between breaths and jogged to the map room with Thomas. I turned around to see Newt looking quite angry. I walked over so I was standing in the position I was before and took his hand and put it where it was.

"There. What were you saying?" I asked tilting my head a little.

"Oh yeah, well it's just- you. . . and-" he stuttered.

"Come on Newt. Use your words." I said with a smile. His look softened by that and I smiled again.

"I can't really... Okay so when you-" he was interrupted by Gally running up behind me and grabbing me by the waist and spinning me around, scaring me in the process.

"Ah! Gally you scared me!" I screamed as he set me down. He smiled widely in return.

"Hey Carter." He said to me with the most childish grin. I rolled my eyes in return.

"What?" I said crossing my arms, faking annoyance.

"Tag!" he said happily and ran away. I turned back to Newt who chuckled and shrugged.

"Do I really have to-" I said to him but he interrupted me with a 

"Have fun Carter." I ran in Gally's direction and caught him in a matter of a minute, despite his lead right in front of Thomas and Minho. They both looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" I said with a shrug as Newt caught up. "Hey Minho, since I'm warmed up how about that race?" I said with a smirk. 

He smirked back and said loudly. "Hey everyone! Gather by the north door to see me beat the new Greenie in a race!" He said walking away.

"Let's do this." I said with a smile, leaving the boys in the dust. Everyone was gathered around me and Minho and the deal was run to the south door, touch it then run back.

"You ready shank?" I said looking over to him.

"Ready to win." he said with a smile. 

Frypan stepped up in front of us with a white shirt on a stick. "I want a clean race shanks. You ready?" 

We both replied with a yes. 

"Alright, one two three go!" He yelled and I ran as fast as I could, neck and neck with Minho. We were right at the south door when Minho slipped, causing me to get a head start. I could see three particular startled faces ahead of me and focused on that. I need to do this. Right as Minho almost caught up to me, the three screamed for me to run giving me a burst of energy and helping me beat Minho by a second. I ran to Newt, Thomas, and Gally and collapsed onto the ground, laying in the grass and they looked down at me waiting for me to catch my breath.

"I did it. I'm a runner." I got another burst of energy. "Thomas! I'm gonna be a runner with you!" I said excitedly giving him a quick hug then Gally. Then finally Newt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. "I did it Newt. Im a runner." I whispered into his ear. "Meet me at our tree to finish our conversation okay?" I whispered again before anyone noticed how long we were hugging. 

Minho walked up to me and smiled. "Good job Greenie. You're a runner." He said then walked to go get something with a few other Gladers. The next few hours consisted of congratulations from the other Gladers as they gradually all went to bed. Soon it was just me and Thomas, and I couldn't find Newt.

"I can't believe I'm actually a runner Thomas." I said quietly.

"Me either. I'm gonna train you tomorrow and then the next day will be your first day in me maze." He said leaning back on his elbows. In the distance I saw Newt at our tree.

"l'll talk to you later okay Thomas?" I said getting up and jogging to where Newt was. I don't know if Thomas was still watching me but I didn't care. I once again, got the same distance as I was before and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, what did you need to tell me?" I asked after I was done.

"I can't really put it into words so-" he grabbed my face and kissed me quickly and pulled away to see my reaction. I couldn't imagine how red my face was and I mentally thanked the darkness that surrounded us.

"Wha- did you- and- what?" Was all I could manage to say. He smiled at me and grabbed my hands.

"Just promise me to be careful when you go into the Maze Carter. Please." He said stepping closer so our noses were almost touching.
"I promise." I said quietly wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him quickly. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. I then quietly sang the tune I had earlier in the day and we gently swayed to its rhythm until we got tired and decided to lean against our tree. I had my head on his shoulder and his arms were around me and I quickly fell asleep.

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