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I awoke with the sun as usual and noticed that me and Newt stayed at our tree the whole night. As I woke up I gradually remembered what happened last night. Becoming a runner. Congratulations. Newt. He kissed me. And I kissed him. I looked over to him and he was sound asleep, snoring softly. I kissed the tip of his nose and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey Carter. Did we sleep here all night?" He asked, gently moving a piece of hair from my eyes.

"Yeah, you shanks have been here all night." A voice said from behind and I heard a snicker. I scrambled away from Newt and I felt my face get red as I saw Gally and Thomas standing in front of us. Gally was obviously infuriated, whereas Thomas was smiling.

"Hey guys." I said timidly and glanced over at Newt who was impossibly, redder than I was.

"Why didn't you come back to the hammocks last night?" Gally asked me, clearly angry.

"I was tired from the race and I fell asleep here and Newt came here to keep me warm." I tried to sound confident, but they all knew I was lying.

"Whatever." Gally said, storming away. I glanced at Newt again and he had his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Thomas can we go into the Maze today? Pleeeeaaase?" I pleaded him, stepping a little closer.

"You have proven to be a fast runner. Why not?" He replied with a shrug. Newt stepped up and shoved him to get his attention.

"Are you bloody kidding me shank? She just got here and you already want to kill her in that maze?" He said poking him in the chest. I turned him around and put my hands flat on his chest.

"Newt, I'll be okay. I promised remember?" I whispered close to him. He looked down at my hands and put his own on top of them.

"Just get back bloody unharmed okay?" He said, already seeming calmer.

"I will." I said putting my head on his chest above our hands.

"Eh hem. We should get going Carter." Thomas said, interrupting the perfect moment that we had created.
"Oh, sorry." I said putting my hands down and putting my head up. I turned to walk away but stood in front of Newt once more.
"See you when I get back okay?" I whispered, putting my hand on his cheek.
"Promise. Let's go Thomas." I said walking then running to the door with Thomas. We took a few seemingly random turns, then we stopped for lunch. I ate an apple that Thomas had given me, taking in my surroundings.
"So, you and Newt huh?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I felt the far military warmth of blush and shook my head.
"Not necessarily. I mean, he is amazing and I really like him, but we're not and anything. Do you know what Gally's deal was today?" I said looking to him sitting across from me.
"He, uh. I think it would be better if he told you." he said standing and brushing himself off. I did the same.
"Let's get back. Its getting late." He said, and we broke into a run. I could see the Glade clearly when the doors started to close and I ran harder than I ever had before. I needed to get back to Newt. Before I knew it, me and Thomas were safe inside. I saw Newt and Gally both pacing obviously concerned and I ran to them.
"Newt!" I yelled, and he ran to me and gave me the biggest hug ever, picking me up and spinning me off the ground.
"I thought you weren't coming back." he whispered into my ear.
"I promised didn't I?" I whispered back, and hugged him tighter. He set me down and I stared into his eyes, they were incredible.
"I'll be right back. I have to go talk to Gally a moment." I said jogging over to Gally.
"Hey." I said sitting next to him in his hammock.
"Hey." he said flatly.
"Thomas told me you had something to tell me." I said quietly, turning my head to see him better.
"That shank. Well considering Thomas and his shank mouth already told you- What did he tell you?" He asked turning the same way I did.
"Just that you had to tell me something. What is it Gally?" I asked prying maybe a little too much.
"It started the first night you got here. I couldn't believe that you had come over to talk to me, the crazy shank. And the way the fire lit you up, you looked incredible. What I'm trying to say is, Carter, you are amazing and I really like you. But you are clearly dating Newt so it doesn't matter." he sighed with the last sentence, letting his head fall.
"We're not dating." I said and got up to go back to the fire that was just started.
I just sat cross legged for who knows how long looking at the fire when someone sat right behind me and hugged me from behind. I turned slightly to see Newt. I leaned into his chest and I could hear the steady thump of his heart.
"How were the fields today?" I asked quietly, playing with a piece of grass I pulled from the ground.
"Good. I'm so glad you bloody made it back in time." The relief was evident in his voice.
"So am I." I said with a content sigh, then I turned so our faves were inches apart and I gently kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back. We both got up and went to our place without discussion and layed down. He kissed the top of my head, and I turned and kissed his cheek. He smiled again, and I put my head on his chest so I could hear his heart again. It was so comforting.
"Carter?" He asked right as I was falling asleep.
"Yeah?" I replied, putting my hand up so I had my hand on his cheek.
"If I asked you out, would you say yes? Do you think Alby would allow it?" He started to talk faster as he asked his second question.
"Yes I would and no probably not." I replied and snuggled back into where I was before.
"I'll ask him tomorrow." he said quietly as I drifted off. I don't know why, but it bothered me quite a lot that Alby was pretty much in control of me and Newt that way.

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