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I opened my eyes but saw only pitch black. I sat up and glanced to my right and left. On one side, I saw Newt fast asleep and snoring softly. On the other, a notepad with a pen. I grabbed the pen and paper and scribbled down my note and left it on my cot. I ran to my old hammock and smiled at Gally snoring quite loudly. I reached out my hand to his cheek and got about an inch away before his eyes fluttered open and I retracted.

"Carter. Why are you not in bed?" He asked, sitting up.

"I'm leaving. I can't stay here." I whispered as his eyes widened. 

"No. You can't leave. You'll die." He responded standing up.

"I have to. I've been stung. I'm gonna go through the changing soon and I don't want to hurt any of you." I responded. 

"They didn't tell you?" He asked, a surprised look on his face.

"Didn't tell me what?" I countered back.

"Newt found out how to make a cure out of some of the crops. They just gave it to you around this time yesterday. Figured the least it could do was help. Seems as though it has." he responded.

"So, I'm cured?" I responded looking towards the maze entrance.

"Should be." He responded with a shrug.

"I'm still leaving." I responded sternly. Gally's eyes widened as he responded. 

"Why? You're cured."

"Cured or not I'm still going to hurt people. I can't keep hurting you, and Thomas, and Newt. You all were fine before I came and screwed everything up." I replied, tears streaming down my face.

"I- you.." he trailed off, looking behind me a moment.

"That's what I thought. I'm leaving. Maybe I can at least give the Grievers a nice meal eh?" I said, smiling despite what I am about to do. I pulled Gally into a hug and he held me tight. 

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispered into my hair. "I'll never forget you Carter." I looked up and wiped a tear from his cheek.

"Help them Gally." I whispered with my hand still on his face. He placed his hand on top of mine, which was unusually cold and I let my hand drop from his face and I walked toward Thomas' cell. 

"Thomas? Thomas wake up. Please." I whispered to Thomas' quiet sleeping silhouette. He stood up and walked over to the bars between us.

"You're here. You're safe." He whispered as he put his hand on my face. I leaned into him and put my hand in his. 

"How are you holding up?" I asked, trying my best to see him in the pale lighting.

"Better now." he said smiling. "Why did you come here?" 

"I'm leaving. Forever. When the doors open I'm gonna go in and hide until the doors close." I responded.

"Why?" He said quietly.

"I can't keep ruining things. I love you Thomas." I said as I shifted one of the bars to kiss him. I left after that without hesitation. To go back to Newt. I was just about to go into his room when I heard talking.

"She said she was going to hide in the Maze so the Grievers could get to her. She is probably at the doors now." Gally. He must have gone to Newt to see if he could do anything. I heard Newt sigh. 

"She thinks she ruined everything? I can't believe that she would want to leave because of bloody Tommy." He replied.

"What do we do?" Gally replied.

"I'm gonna go find her." Newt said as I heard him stand up. Before I could even get a second thought through my head, the door was opened and behind it was none other than Newt, Gally, and Minho. I stood wide eyed as I looked back and forth from one boy to the other.

"You're not leaving." Newt said pulling me into a hug. I pulled away and looked to Minho. 

"We all know I can outrun all of you, not to mention I know the maze almost better than everyone. Thanks Minho." I stated. I looked back to Newt who now that I truly looked at him had red eyes and his face was all pink.

"Why would you leave me here?" He whispered, quiet enough for only me to hear. 

"I can't break anyone else. I've ruined everything Newt. Not to mention before the maze." I trailed off.

"Before the Maze? You remember?" Minho chimed in, walking up behind Newt standing next to Gally. 

"Yes. Every detail."

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