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I looked at the three boys in front of me and walked into the room. I sat down and gestured for them to do the same. 

"Before the Maze. We used to all be in this huge building with tons of other people. I think it was a school or something but this same situation happened. You guys all fighting about me. I ended up leaving and going to a hospital place where they kept me and watched me around the clock. Then they made me black out with a weird medicine and I woke up here. I assume the same happened to you. I can't handle that I ruined things for you guys. I'm leaving the Glade and you all are going to forget about me. You have to." I finished, and stood up. I glanced back as I left and I saw Newt with his head in his hands.

How could I do this? Stay or go that's all. I don't want to hurt them any more. 

Before I knew it, I was standing at the place where me and Newt talked for the first time. I felt tears drop down from my cheeks as I heard approaching footsteps coming from behind me.

"I'm not talking about leaving. I'm doing it Newt. You can't stop me no matter how much you-" I started, turning around but quickly realizing it wasn't Newt, it was Minho.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were Newt."

"You can't leave. Shuck the rules we need you here." He told me firmly.

"All I've done is tear you guys apart."

"No. All you've done is make us better. Before you got here. . ." He hesitated. 

"Before I got here what?"

"Newt. He jumped off the Maze wall that's why he has his limp. He was planning to do it again the day you came. When he saw you, I knew things had changed." He responded, grabbing my shoulders. 

"But, what about him and Thomas?" I asked quietly, my voice almost a whisper as I had started to cry again.

"Oh please. They do this all the time." He responded with a smile. "Now, are you gonna leave?
Or are you gonna go to your crippled boyfriend and tell him you love him?" He asked with a smile. 

"Thank you Minho. I'm going into the Maze tomorrow though. But just for fun." I told him with a wink as I hugged him. He smiled and I ran back to the Homestead. I ran as fast as I could to Newt's bedroom and I burst into the door. He looked up and stood to meet me. I wasted no time pressing my lips to his and holding him close. We broke to gasp for air as we leaned our foreheads into each other.

"I  love you shank." I gasped quietly.
"You bloody shank. I love you more." he responded quietly. I smiled and kissed him softly. We sat and cuddled for a few hours until we decided to go to bed. I slept in his room that night. With his arms around me, I breathed him in and I thought for the first time, I could actually be happy. I looked up to the stars above me and soon, sleep welcomed me into its dark embrace.

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