Chapter Five: Old Friends

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"Jamie." I heard behind me, and turned around. No one was there. "Jamie!"

Maybe August was calling me. "Yea, babe?"

No answer.

I rolled my eyes. I hate when people call you, then don't say anything when you answer. Like, n*gga.

"Must not want me that bad."

I shook my head, and looked back at the dishes.

"Jamie..." I heard again, and whipped around quickly, then followed the whispers. I grabbed a towel, and dried my wet fingers before walking out of the room.

The whispers lead me to the bottom of the stairs. I looked up, and pointed my ear so I could hear.

"JAMIE!" They whispered loudly and abruptly. That scared the f*ck outta me, and I jumped.

I soon regained my composure, and walked upstairs.

The kids are at school today, and I thought August was at the store, but-

"Jamie." They whispered again, and I was beginning to get freaked out.

"Ayyo, whoever this is," I called. "Can you like show yourself, or some sh*t?"

No answer, just another "Jamie."

I sighed, and stepped up the last stair. I listened for the direction it came from, and it led me to my bedroom. I walked to the room, and slowly pushed he door open.

But, the room was empty.

I walked in, and looked around the room, before I heard another "Jamie."

But, this one sounded like it was right in my ear, almost like...

I turned around, and punched the n*gga in the face. That was until I realized who it was.

"Roc?" I cried, and he grinned.

"Hey, baby girl," he embraced me. "How you been?"


"Hey, babe," Aubrey came up to me, pecking my cheek. "Can I have a dollar?"

"What for, babe?"

"I wanna buy a candy bar from one of those fundraising kids," she grinned.

I rolled my eyes playfully, reaching for my wallet. "The Niagara chocolates?"

"Yep," she smiled, seeing my money. Goofy a** girl.

I gave her two dollars, "Hey, buy me and toasted almond one while you're at it."

"You got it, babe." she said, pecking my lips and walking off.

I turned back to the table, and saw Cianni looking at me from the table over.

"Duh?" I said, and she did it back.

I laughed, and walked over to her. "What's wrong with you, doofus??"

"When did you start dating Aubrey?" she asked.

"Why are you worried about it?" I asked, chuckling.

"Don't you remember how she treated LaLa when we were kids?" she asked, still serious. "From what I remember, she was b*tchy to you, too."

"CiCi, that's in the past." I said. "She apologized, ad I accepted. Besides, I can't hold LaLa's grudges for her. She's not my girlfriend."

"I'm trying to figure out why," she mumbled, thinking I couldn't hear her.

I was gonna say something, but Aubrey came up to me with my candy bar.

"Thanks, babe."

"Youre welcome," I said. "Am I walking you to your next class?"

"Yep," She said.

"Well, let's go then." I said. "Bye ,Twin."

Cianni rolled her eyes, finally cracking a smile. "Bye, fool."

"Hey, CiCi." Aubrey grinned.

Cianni frowned. "Hello, Aubrielle."

Aubrey went to get her book bag, and I turned to CiCi. "Be nice."

She shrugged, "It's not my fault she triggers my gag reflex."

I laughed, then walked to take Brey to class.


Wow, she looked good. The pregnancies were good to her. She's still just as beautiful.

"Where have you been?" she cried.

"That's not important," I said. "What is important is that I'm back, now."

"About that..." she trailed off. I already know what she's gonna say. I know about her new family.

Sh*t, that's not gon' keep me from smashin'.

"I can't wait to see the twins," I said.

"If they wanna see you," she said, sighing. "You weren't there when they were young, and you haven't been since!"

"You know, none of this would've happened if you hadn't left!" I yelled back. "Besides, them little demons ain't even mine. I know the truth, you can stop lying."

"What are you talking about?!" She yelled confused.

"It doesn't even matter, I have a new family and my own kids." I said. "So I don't need this."

She looked at me, shocked.

"I just came to tell you, that I'm here now. And, I'm not goin' any where anytime soon."

And with that, I disappeared back out the window and dashed down the fire escape.



So, Roc's back now??

IJ forgave Aubrey? Should he have?

Does LaLa still have feelings for IJ?

Who did Roc start a family with? Why?

Find out!!



-Jojo the Creator

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