Chapter Thirteen: London and Milan

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I looked around the room. Everyone is pretty fucked up. Roc had it the worst, then my mom, then IJ. They barely touched August.

(AN: Hehe.. barely)

I ran to my bedroom and yanked my phone off of the charger. I scrolled through my contacts quickly.

Come on, come on... U for uncle...

I finally found it, and I pressed call. It rang twice, and then I heard his phone on the other end.


"IK that you don't know me well, but I really need your help!" I cried, literally crying.

"Slow down, sweetie." He coaxed me. "Who is this?"

"Cianni," I sniffled. "You know my dad, right?"

"Oh, you're-" he cut himself off. "Ik both your parents."

"Well, I need your help, uncle Prod." I said.

"What happened?"

"August came in drunk and attacked Roc and my mom." I explained. "IJ tried to stop it, but August got him, too. They're all either unconscious or injured downstairs!"

He stayed silent for a moment, then, "Okay, Cianni. I'm omw."

"Thank you so much!" I said, hanging up.

I ran downstairs, and checked on everyone. My mom was in and out of consciousness, and everyone else was knocked out cold.

I face-palmed myself. I guess I could've called an ambulance. I dialed 911, and told them the situation.

That's when there was a knock on the door. I ran and opened it, and in waltzed Uncle Prod and Aunt Maya.

Idk why I didn't just call her. I guess my brain is still in shock.

"Are you okay, CiCi?" Aunt Maya said, checking me.

"Yea," I nodded. "But, everyone else's out cold."

"I'll call an ambulance." Prod said, reaching for his phone.

"I already did," I said. "IK I should've called them first, but I'm not thinking straight. I'm so scared."

Prod's face went soft, and he walked closer to me. He soon embraced me tightly, and I cried on his shoulder. Idk why, but I hugged back.

I really needed that.


"Alani, IDK why you did that to me!" I yelled, mostly out of pain. "I loved you, and you left me!"

"Well, you weren't treating me right." She said, simply. "You needed to know that everything doesn't revolve around Myles, and that it can all be gone like that."

She snapped, and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"That's your reasoning?!"

She nodded. "That's one of the reasons."

"Your insane."

"Maybe," she said. "But I'm happy, now."

That broke me. It shattered my heart. Down deep in the back of my heart, which I had been reserving for her, was now empty.

I was now furious. "Oh, so your new nigga's better than me?!"

She chuckled. Wtf is so funny?

"Am I missing what's so funny?" I asked.

She gave me a straight face. "I haven't been with no niggas since you."

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